In-Flight Experience – SmarterTravel The Best Trips Start Here Thu, 30 Jan 2025 16:43:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Flight Attendants Reveal Their Secrets for a Better Flight Thu, 30 Jan 2025 16:42:58 +0000 No one who knows how to be a great airplane passenger better than—you guessed it—flight attendants. Which is why we decided to pick their brains for their hard-earned wisdom about how to be a better, smarter traveler. Our panel of experts graciously spilled their flight attendant secrets, revealing insider advice that can help you get […]

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No one who knows how to be a great airplane passenger better than—you guessed it—flight attendants. Which is why we decided to pick their brains for their hard-earned wisdom about how to be a better, smarter traveler. Our panel of experts graciously spilled their flight attendant secrets, revealing insider advice that can help you get upgraded, combat jet lag, and fly smoothly with kids.

They also clued us in as to what it’s really like to be a flight attendant, what to wear on a flight, how to avoid germs on a plane, how to deal with fear of flying, and which food and drinks you should order—and which to avoid. Perhaps most importantly, they spoke about how to fly with a degree of civility that’s sorely lacking in society these days.

Two flight attendants serving drinks
Kawee | Adobe Stock

Flight Attendants’ Best Tips for Better Flights

Simply put, manners matter. “People who actually speak to me when I ask them what they’d like to drink is beginning to become a thing of the past,” says Heather Poole, who has worked for a major U.S. carrier for 20 years and who wrote a bestseller called Cruising Attitude: Tales of Crashpads, Crew Drama, and Crazy Passengers at 35,000 Feet. “So when a passenger says please and thank you to me, I want to give them more water and extra snacks. If I see a passenger helping another passenger with luggage, I instantly think, ‘What a catch!’ and want to set them up with single friends because nice people are hard to find. Honestly, it’s the little things that make a difference.”

Jennifer “Jaki” Johnson has been a flight attendant for six years. Her preboarding advice to set the tone for a better flight? Check in early, watch to make sure your gate doesn’t change, eat a healthy snack or meal at the gate, use the restroom at the airport rather than waiting until you’re on the plane, and smile at your flight attendants when boarding.

How Passengers Can Boost Their Chances of an Upgrade

Many airlines prohibit arbitrarily upgrading passengers who are already on the plane. “This is a firm rule,” says Coral Lee, who has been a flight attendant and cabin manager for more than a decade and runs a blog for flight attendants called These Gold Wings, “although you can always try. Ask politely if there are any available seats in business class or premium. You’ve got better chances if you’re dressed nicely, if the flight isn’t full, if you’re traveling solo, and if you board last.”

“Upgrades are a big deal, and people who fly a lot earn frequent flyer miles,” explains Poole. “Those people know exactly where their name is on the upgrade list. If someone cuts in front of them, they’ll flip out. On one of my flights, we were delayed 20 minutes because one frequent flyer was upgraded to business class before another frequent flyer whose name should have been called first. Delays are a big deal in the airline world, so it’s crazy when we take a delay for something like an upgrade. But it happens because nobody cuts the line. You can dress nicely to increase your odds of getting upgraded if there’s nobody on the list. But that list is usually long.”

Keep in mind that this should be a conversation with a gate agent, not a flight attendant. “Once you step onto the aircraft, it’s our responsibility to get you where you’re going safely and comfortably,” says Nichole Dunst, a flight attendant and travel blogger who created Conscious City Guides, “but we’re not responsible for awarding upgrades. The gate agents have their own system for working upgrades, and gone are the days of getting an upgrade just because you’re cute and you brought us Starbucks. If you haven’t been awarded an upgrade before scanning onboard, I’m sorry to say it, but you probably didn’t make the cut.”

Of course, the most straightforward way to get an upgrade on your flight is to buy one. “Traveling is expensive, so you pay for service and quality,” Johnson points out. “You get what you pay for, so pay for what you want.”

Tipping Flight Attendants: Yes or No?

Flight attendants don’t expect cash tips, in part because they earn above-average wages and because their role of assuring safety is considered more important than their role of providing service.

In fact, most American and European airlines don’t even allow flight attendants to accept tips—except for Frontier, which has recently changed its tipping policy to allow flight attendants to keep gratuities; Frontier passengers are now prompted to add 15, 20, or 25 percent to their credit card charge after ordering a drink or snack. “But far from helping,” Lee says, “this has created a big controversy between the flight attendants who are happy with this new policy and the ones who think that this is a strategy to keep wages low and be treated like servants and not like someone who might save you in an emergency.”

“However,” Dunst advises, “we do love getting tipped in snacks, and that happens pretty frequently. If you’re headed to duty-free before your flight, picking up a bag of candy for your flight crew is a great way to make friends with us.” Another way to thank a flight attendant for a job well done? Write a letter to the airline that mentions the flight attendant’s name and outstanding service.

Flight attendant moving through aisles with cart
kasto | Adobe Stock

How Do Flight Attendants Deal with Jet Lag?

Flight attendants know better than almost anyone how to deal with jet lag: They drink plenty of water before and during the flight. They nap before and after long, time-zone-crossing flights. They avoid alcohol; many rely on melatonin instead if they need help falling asleep. And they try to adapt to their new time zone as quickly as possible. “Don’t even think about what time it is back home,” advises Dunst.

The Craziest Things Flight Attendants See on the Job

Flight attendants see some truly wacky—and disturbing—behaviors. “The list is never-ending,” says Poole. “Just when I think I’ve seen it all, something else bizarre will happen.

“People who don’t work for an airline seem to be most amused by naked passenger stories,” she goes on. “For me, the weirdest stories involve passengers stealing a coworker’s uniform blazer or chicken strips off a flight attendant’s salad. My coworker found his blazer standing in line at security, and the chicken strips were found clutched in the fist of a passenger sitting in the exit row.”

“My tolerance for crazy has certainly elevated over the years,” Dunst agrees, “and I have to remind myself that we see people in their most stressed-out state.” Dunst once had a passenger get so enraged with the flight crew for refusing to serve her alcohol during the airplane’s initial ascent—when the seat belt sign was still on—that she spent the next five hours harassing the flight attendants, taking pictures of and tweeting about them. “I don’t think this particular woman was in her right mind,” Dunst recalls, “and that can be a little scary when you’re at 30,000 feet.”

As for Lee, she cites medical emergencies—people fainting or having seizures—as well as people clipping their toenails in their seats or getting furious when they get caught smoking in the lavatory instead of being sorry. Also: an adult woman urinating on the floor after being told she couldn’t use the restroom.

How to Keep from Getting Sick on a Plane

Getting sick on airplanes can be par for the course when you’re a frequent flyer. This is partly because of all that circulated air, and also because being on a flight means being in close proximity to dozens of people—and their germs—for an extended period.

But getting sick on your next flight doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion. To protect yourself from getting sick on a plane, follow flight attendants’ advice: Bring sanitizing wipes and use them to wipe down your seat, tray table (Poole sees parents change babies’ diapers on them), entertainment screen, and remote control. Also: Drink water. Take immune-boosting vitamins. Don’t touch your face, and don’t request drinks while the crew is picking up trash—their hands are now germy. Shower as soon as you get where you’re going, or at least change your clothes.

“Something I wish was more mainstream in the U.S.,” Dunst says, “are mouth masks like you typically see in Asian cultures. If you’re sick, it’s just a basic courtesy to prevent everyone around you from getting sick as well.”

As for airplane lavatories, they’re practically petri dishes and, like the tray tables, they don’t always get thoroughly cleaned. So don’t touch much in there—use a paper towel to open and shut the lid, to flush, and to use the door handle. Never sit directly on the toilet seat, never go in there barefoot or with just socks on, and always wash your hands well with soap.

Person wiping down tray table on airplane
Selcuk | Adobe Stock

What Passengers Should Bring Onboard

The flight attendants we interviewed recommend a light blanket, a neck pillow, an eye mask (if you’re hoping to sleep), earplugs, socks—and a good book, since it’s not uncommon for the in-flight screens or Wi-Fi to be out of order.

What Flight Attendants Want Passengers to Know

It irks flight attendants when passengers assume that they don’t have college degrees and that their previous careers were as bartenders. “My background is in radio and I hold a master’s degree from an Ivy League institution,” Johnson says. “Other flight attendants have been lawyers, medical students, real estate agents, and so much more. We want passengers to know that we are more than our uniform.”

Flight attendants also want passengers to know that the flight crew doesn’t get paid on the ground. “So that flight attendant greeting you at the boarding door? Not being paid,” says Poole. “Delays? Not being paid. We aren’t paid until the boarding door is closed and the brakes are released.”

This means that delays and cancellations can affect flight attendants dearly—not only are they not paid when flights are canceled or when they’re waiting for a delay to lift, but, as Poole puts it, “When flight schedules get screwed up, we have to make arrangements for children or family and we miss things we were excited to do. I’ve had passengers yell at me, ‘I haven’t seen my baby in three days!’ A lot of flight crew have babies too.”

Travelers should keep in mind that flight attendants aren’t getting paid during the boarding process, which is a flight’s most hectic time. During boarding, Poole says, “We have a lot to do with very little help, so we might seem a little snippy or rude but really, we’re stressing out to get things done so that a delay can’t get pinned on us. The problem is that boarding sets the tone, so then when we have time to relax and smile and be nice, the perfect flight attendant, passengers don’t notice because they’re mad that we took their bag to check it or that we didn’t answer their question or we didn’t allow them to use the bathroom or that they weren’t catered to. Nobody wonders why. They just think we’re rude and then they go and tweet about it.”

Dunst raises another point that airplane passengers don’t always seem to realize: “There’s a reason we ask you to keep your seat belts fastened whenever you’re in your seats. Turbulence can come out of nowhere, and you can never be too safe. That being said, the same goes for us. If the captain has asked us to take our jump seats for our safety, then no, we cannot get up to pour you a ginger ale. Unfortunately, getting injured on the job is almost inevitable. All it takes is one air pocket to jolt us around. We of course want to take care of you as best we can, but safety truly does come first—not your third gin and tonic.”

Flight Attendant Tips and Tricks for Fearful Flyers

Aviophobia is the most common phobia in the U.S., affecting 6.5 percent of the population, while many more Americans—almost one in three—have an anxiety or fear of flying that isn’t quite severe enough to be formally diagnosed as a phobia.

Given these statistics, flight attendants are accustomed to attending to nervous flyers. Their biggest recommendation? Loop them in. “Tell the flight crew that you’re a nervous flyer so that they can keep you informed of what to expect regarding turbulence, or be there for you if it does get bumpy and you’re scared,” Poole says. “I always tell fearful flyers when it’s going to be bumpy and for how long, so that they have a sense of control. I also ask them if they’re OK or let them know that it’s going to be fine when we hit a little turbulence.”

To help cope with fear of flying, flight attendants recommend doing mindfulness and breathing exercises, downloading an app like MyRadar to track weather and turbulence, playing games on your device to keep yourself distracted, and to take any appropriate medications. “If you need to take something to calm your nerves, we’re not going to judge you,” says Dunst. “But please don’t mix pills with alcohol. I promise it will just create more problems.”

The Best Food and Drink to Have in Flight

Flight attendants are unanimous about the best drink to order on an airplane: water. That’s because dehydration is a real risk onboard.

They advise against carbonated drinks “because your intestinal gas will expand and you’ll feel bloated, heavy, or become distended,” says Lee. They also warn against too much alcohol because it reduces your body’s ability to absorb oxygen, which can cause lightheadedness at high altitudes. Alcohol will also dehydrate you and make you feel more tired than you should.

“In my book, I wrote that Diet Coke was the worst drink for flight attendants to pour because it takes so long for the fizz to go down,” Poole says. “Nobody wishes you’d stop ordering it, but when passengers do order it, I’ll probably hand them a can because it’s faster and also because Diet Coke drinkers are addicted to Diet Coke and it’s impossible to keep up with them. One time I had a somewhat famous politician onboard who drank six Diet Cokes on a two-hour flight. Six. Diet. Cokes. Not only does it take forever to pour, you’re constantly pouring.”

And food? “As long as it’s not going to stink up the whole cabin, bring whatever you want,” says Dunst, who adds that flight attendants prefer that passengers bring their own food because the flight crew sometimes runs out of food or may not have your first-choice meal available by the time they get to your row: “It’s good to always have something nutritious and calorie-dense, like mixed nuts or protein bars, on hand in case of hangry emergencies.”

“The worst food to bring on a plane is food that gives off strong smells,” Lee agrees. “Remember that you’ll be sitting for many hours in a small, closed space with a lot of people. If you don’t want your neighbors to hate you, don’t bring strong cheeses or any kind of fish, eggs, or strongly spiced foods.”

Person eating on airplane
Chalabala | Adobe Stock

Tips for Bringing Children on a Plane

“I used to travel during my son’s nap time so that he’d be more likely to fall asleep,” Poole recalls, “and I’d spend the morning letting him run around so he wouldn’t be as restless.”

Indeed, flight attendants are a font of knowledge about how to take your kids on a plane. Those we interviewed supplied us with a helpful set of tips: Pack plenty of food, snacks, wipes, and diapers. Always have a change of clothes. (“My cousin once had her four-year-old daughter get sick in flight and throw up all over herself, and didn’t have an extra outfit to change her into,” Dunst relates.)

Don’t forget your children’s official documents either, including passports, birth certificates, and visas. Stash stuff to keep your kids occupied: toys, workbooks, stickers, tablets. Bring a compact stroller that fits in the overhead compartment.

Dress your kids in layers, since temperatures can change drastically on a plane. Feed and change them before boarding, if possible. Fly direct when you can, since delays, diversions, and cancellations happen. “Reward them with little prizes during the flight for every hour they’re well behaved,” suggests Poole.

If you’re breastfeeding, know that you’re allowed to bring breast milk onboard, so pack extra bottles. And remember that families with young children get priority boarding, so you won’t need to stand in the same line as everyone else. When checking in, make sure that you’ll be seated next to your children; if not, a gate agent should be able to fix that.

Educate your children about how to act on a plane: “They should listen to what the flight attendants say and treat other passengers with respect,” says Lee. “From the youngest ages, they should be taught to behave politely and respectfully.”

Finally—and this should be needless to say—it’s your responsibility as a parent to stay alert and responsible for your child. “I’ve seen parents fall asleep and ignore kids, or book seats in first and leave kids in coach,” Poole says. “One time I was traveling as a passenger and found an infant crawling between my ankles. The mother was sleeping behind me.”

What to Wear During a Flight

“Airplanes are cold, so come prepared to be freezing,” Poole says. “Exit rows are the coldest rows. Invest in a cashmere sweater so you’ll look nice and be warm. If you don’t need to wear it, roll it up and use it as lumbar support. Wear shoes. Real shoes. So if you have to evacuate, you can run faster from the burning plane.”

In general, flight attendants recommend comfortable, well-put-together outfits that you can layer: “Nothing constricting, especially for a long-haul flight,” says Lee. “And to get through airport security faster, don’t wear too many metal accessories.”

How to Treat Flight Attendants

When you’re traveling a long way, basic etiquette can go a long way, too.

“Saying please and thank you while making eye contact at the same time is almost unheard of today,” says Poole. “Does it surprise you to learn that most passengers don’t even acknowledge my greeting when they’re boarding? After a while, I get tired of talking to myself. I always remember the nice passengers.”

“Truly, a little bit of kindness goes a long way,” Dunst agrees. “A simple smile and ‘How is your day going?’ can make all the difference.”

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Luggage Locks: Should I Lock My Suitcase When I Fly? Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:25:59 +0000 Each time you abandon your suitcase to the not-so-tender mercies of airline baggage handlers and TSA agents, you might wonder, “Should I have locked my luggage?” A study by Stratos, which charters jets, found that airline passengers filed almost 8,000 yearly claims against the TSA for losing items such as clothing, jewelry, and electronics: “In […]

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Each time you abandon your suitcase to the not-so-tender mercies of airline baggage handlers and TSA agents, you might wonder, “Should I have locked my luggage?” A study by Stratos, which charters jets, found that airline passengers filed almost 8,000 yearly claims against the TSA for losing items such as clothing, jewelry, and electronics: “In fact, JFK International Airport was once described as a ‘flea market for airport employees,’ with reports claiming that more than 200 items are stolen from passengers’ checked luggage every day.”

So, it’s clear you can’t count on the TSA to reimburse you for such losses; the agency denied more than half of the claims. Are luggage locks the answer?

Close up of a person unlocking a suitcase with a luggage lock
ulu_bird | Adobe Stock

The Benefits of Luggage Locks

Locking your suitcase doesn’t just make it more difficult for opportunistic baggage handlers or security officers to root through your stuff at the airport. A lock can also help hold your bag’s zippers together so they don’t work their way open while in transit, leaking socks and underwear all over the baggage carousel.

You might also want to lock your bag if you’re staying in a hostel with strangers or while traveling on a crowded bus or train. Some travelers even lock their suitcases during the day at hotels to deter theft by housekeepers.

The Limitations of Luggage Locks

Putting a lock on your suitcase isn’t a guarantee that your stuff will be safe. Do a quick search on YouTube, and you’ll find a trove of videos explaining how to open a combination lock without the code or how to break into a locked suitcase with nothing but a ballpoint pen. Nor is it difficult to slice through a soft-sided bag. Locks discourage casual thieves, who will move on to easier targets, but they’re flimsy protection against those who are truly determined to get into your bag.

That’s why you should always keep any valuables in your carry-on, not your checked luggage. As noted above, the TSA is unlikely to pay you back if something is stolen from your checked bag, and airlines typically don’t accept liability for the loss of expensive items such as jewelry, electronic equipment, or fragile souvenirs.

TSA-Approved Locks

If you do decide to secure your suitcase, choose one of the many TSA-approved locks available, such as these combination locks from Master Lock or TravelMore. You can also buy keyed luggage locks such as these from Lewis N. Clark, though it’s worth considering how likely you might be to lose track of a tiny key while traveling. You can even purchase suitcases with built-in TSA-approved locks.

The TSA has master keys that allow agents to open all TSA-approved locks if they determine that your bag needs extra screening. If you use a non-TSA lock, they’ll simply cut it off your bag. Note that not all security officers outside the U.S. have the same master keys, so even a TSA-approved lock could be cut off if you’re traveling internationally.

Alternatives to Luggage Locks

Some travelers prefer to wrap their suitcases in plastic, which makes bags harder to break into, protects their exteriors from dings, and keeps them from bursting open if a zipper fails. This bagging service is offered at select airports by companies such as Seal & Go and Secure Wrap. Though security agents will cut off the plastic if they need to inspect your luggage more closely, some wrapping services offer a complimentary rewrap post-security. One disadvantage to this method: By generating so much plastic, it’s the least environmentally friendly way to protect your bag.

Looking for Luggage With a Lock?

The Away Carry-On in green

“Sold separately” isn’t statement when it comes to the carry-on from Away. While including a TSA-approved lock in its design, this bag also comes with 360° spinning wheels, and a super hard exterior shell—this bag is built to be your last.

All of the products featured in this story were hand-selected by our travel editors. Some of the links featured in this story are affiliate links, and SmarterTravel may collect a commission (at no cost to you) if you shop through them. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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7 Air Travel Secrets You Didn’t Know Tue, 19 Nov 2024 16:14:59 +0000 Even if you’re a frequent flyer, we bet you’ve never heard these air travel secrets before. You’ll want to know them before your next flight. Air Travel Secret #1: Airlines Lie About Flight Times Ever been on a flight that’s listed on your itinerary as two hours long, yet when the pilot is about to […]

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Even if you’re a frequent flyer, we bet you’ve never heard these air travel secrets before. You’ll want to know them before your next flight.

USM Photography | Adobe Stock

Air Travel Secret #1: Airlines Lie About Flight Times

Ever been on a flight that’s listed on your itinerary as two hours long, yet when the pilot is about to take off, she announces that the flying time will be an hour and a half? Padding flight time estimates is an increasingly common tactic that airlines use to improve their on-time arrival statistics—that way, even if they’re late taking off, they may still technically be on-time when they land.

The Telegraph and aviation analyst OAG conducted a study which found that, “over the last couple of decades, despite new technology, scheduled flight times—ie. how long an airline estimates it will take to complete a journey—have actually increased by as much as 50 percent”.

Air Travel Secret #2: There Are Tens of Thousands of Flights in the Air Each Day

According to the flight tracking website FlightAware, an average of 27,000 airline flights take place each day, with about 5,000 flights in the sky at any given peak time (click here to see a live map of all flights). Want to travel when it’s less crowded? Avoid Thanksgiving Weekend, FlightAware says, as its forecasted that upwards of 3.2 million passengers will be passing through the terminals. New Year’s Day, however, tends to see fewer crowds at the airport than the average travel day.

Air Travel Secret #3: Airlines Don’t Have to Track Planes in Real Time

Ever wonder how entire commercial jets can go missing for years, like Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370? Following that accident, the United Nation’s aviation agency announced new regulations that would require airlines to track their planes every 15 minutes, as well as require all aircraft to be equipped with an automated tracking device that will transmit the location every minute during distress. These regulations officially went into effect in 2022.

Air Travel Secret #4: That’s Not Duct Tape Holding Your Plane Together

It can be alarming to look out your window seat and see what appears to be duct tape on the wing, but don’t worry, that’s not what’s holding your plane together. It’s a high-tech adhesive (approved by the FAA) that will stay in place even at speeds of over 500 mph, and is rightfully nicknamed Speed Tape. It’s used as a temporary fix for smaller repairs that need to be completed quickly, so don’t worry, you won’t see a roll of tape securing the engine to your plane.

aapsky | Adobe Stock

Air Travel Secret #5: The World’s Shortest Commercial Flight Is a Minute Long

Don’t expect drinks service on the jaunt from Westray to Papa Westray (part of the Orkney Islands in Scotland), which is the world’s shortest scheduled passenger flight. The flight, operated by Loganair, takes just about one minute, although it has been flown in as little as 53 seconds.

Air Travel Secret #6: Airplane Air Is as Dry as a Desert

Ever wonder why you’re so dehydrated when you get off of a long flight? The humidity in aircraft cabins is only around 20 percent, which is less than in the Sahara Desert’s average of around 25 percent. This is because the air outside the plane has minimal humidity at 30,000 feet, so it has to be added back in.

Air Travel Secret #7: Air Traffic Controllers Are Highly Paid

The people on the ground responsible for making sure that planes don’t crash into each other are paid accordingly, with a median yearly salary of over $137,380. It makes sense—this job requires intense concentration while working in a semi-dark room (no slacking off on the internet allowed here), as well as weekend, night, and holiday shifts.  Air traffic control is such a stressful job that employees are required to retire at 56.

Caroline Morse Teel would love to hear your air travel secrets. Follow her on Instagram @TravelWithCaroline.

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Flying with Gifts: The TSA Rules You Need to Know Tue, 05 Nov 2024 18:34:59 +0000 Bringing souvenirs home for the holidays or simply flying with gifts seems like a great idea. But there are some TSA rules you should know before you make that purchase—especially if you’re only flying with a carry-on. TSA Rules for Flying with Gifts Here’s how to avoid having to toss your special gift or souvenir […]

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Bringing souvenirs home for the holidays or simply flying with gifts seems like a great idea. But there are some TSA rules you should know before you make that purchase—especially if you’re only flying with a carry-on.

TSA Rules for Flying with Gifts

Here’s how to avoid having to toss your special gift or souvenir whether you’re flying domestically or internationally, and a few alternative items to consider purchasing instead.

1) Avoid Toys That Look Like Weapons

Child playing with toy sword and shield
Andrii Oleksiienko | Adobe Stock

This might seem like a no-brainer when it comes to TSA rules, but airports intercept a lot of toy or replica weapons that appear to baggage scanners to be the real thing. At the security line, there’s a fine line between toys, sports equipment, and weapons: Toys resembling guns, swords, and explosives are sure to spook your security screener; but sporting equipment like bats and lacrosse sticks that could be used as a weapon will be snagged as well.

What to Do Instead: Your best bet is to check all sporting items, and to avoid packing anything resembling a weapon. “In general, it’s best to avoid packing toy or replica weapons in carry-on luggage,” TSA Spokesman Michael McCarthy told me. “These items should be placed in checked luggage or left at home when possible.”

2) No Alcohol Over 140-Proof

Rows of alcohol bottles
Avantgarde | Adobe Stock

A lesser-known item that’s banned from both checked and carry-on bags, strong liquors over 140-proof (70 percent alcohol) like absinthe or 151-proof rum are prohibited from planes by the Federal Aviation Administration. Don’t plan on gifting a bottle of absinthe you got in Amsterdam or bringing back some 151-proof liquor from a distillery visit; TSA can confiscate it on behalf of the FAA, regardless of which bag you packed it in.

What to Do Instead: Your souvenir doesn’t have to be jet-fuel strong—try grabbing a less flammable local spirit, or opt for a subscription service to enjoy wine varietals from around the world without having to pack them: Vinebox delivers wines tailored to your tastes starting around $80 per month, and makes a great gift.

3) Skip the Gift Wrap

Wrapped gifts in red suitcase
Soffee | Adobe Stock

Getting a jump on wrapping isn’t a good idea if you’ll be flying with gifts. Anything wrapped in paper, like presents or food items like pies (which are allowed, but subject to extra screening) are likely to be unwrapped for inspection if agents can’t tell through the scanner if it violates TSA rules.

What to Do Instead: Use gift bags instead of wrapping gifts. Gifts wrapped in festive, easy-open gift bags can be easily rewrapped if necessary and won’t violate any TSA rules.

4) Leave Toy Holiday ‘Crackers’ Behind

Red and green Christmas crackers
victoria ashman | Adobe Stock

I’m not talking about snacks: Those English-style cardboard Christmas crackers that pop and explode with tiny gifts like paper crowns are prohibited from planes and therefore against TSA rules. While they’re a fun tradition and could seem like a great souvenir if you’re returning from the U.K., they’re banned from aircraft, meaning they’ll likely be tossed from your checked or carry-on bags.

What to Do Instead: These can usually be purchased online or back home, if you’re really set on having them for your holiday celebrations.

 5) Minimize Carry-on Liquids

Bottle of wine amongst travel clothes and a camera
Bostan Natalia | Adobe Stock

Don’t forget that 3-1-1 TSA rules also apply to traveling with gifts. Bottles of wine or spirits will have to be checked unless they’re under 3.4 ounces, and the same goes for cologne and perfumes that are over the liquid limit. Also remember to avoid aerosol items that could be considered flammable.

What to Do Instead: If you’re not checking a bag but want to purchase a gift bottle of perfume or wine, buying at the duty-free shop beyond airport security is your only option. Make the best of it by getting something you can’t at home, or that’s more affordable when it’s tax-free.

6) Declare Animal Products Like Cheeses with Customs

Aerial view of a cheeseboard
nerudol | Adobe Stock

This one doesn’t fall under TSA rules—solid cheese is fine to pack for domestic travel. However, international food souvenirs like meats and cheeses could get tossed per customs and agriculture regulations on animal products if they aren’t declared or if they violate requirements. Splurging on fancy cheese or charcuterie to gift with local wine probably isn’t worthwhile if it won’t make it home.

What to Do: To be safe, make sure you declare all animal-derived food items at customs, and keep creamy or water-packed cheeses under 3.4 ounces if they’re in your carry-on bag. Or, if you don’t want to risk wasting money on international items that could easily get confiscated, sign up for a subscription service that will ship both your favorite international items and new ones to try, like Try the World, from $40 per month.

 7) Snow Globes

Snowglobe on a red background
New Africa | Adobe Stock

Even if you’re flying with gifts that aren’t necessarily meant to be opened, they can still be discarded under TSA rules if they contain liquid over the 3.4-ounce limit. TSA rules state that snow globes bigger than a tennis ball should stay behind.

What to Do Instead: If you’re not already shopping online, it’s the way to go.

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9 Times You’ll Regret Being Cheap When You Travel Mon, 04 Nov 2024 19:03:26 +0000 Some parts of travel are worth the splurge. Although saving a little cash feels good when you first book that rock-bottom-price plane ticket, that pre-dawn moment when your alarm rings for that 6:00 a.m. flight might make you regret being cheap. You May Regret Being Cheap While Traveling A cheap flight, inconveniently located hotel, or […]

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Some parts of travel are worth the splurge. Although saving a little cash feels good when you first book that rock-bottom-price plane ticket, that pre-dawn moment when your alarm rings for that 6:00 a.m. flight might make you regret being cheap.

You May Regret Being Cheap While Traveling

A cheap flight, inconveniently located hotel, or minuscule rental car may save you money, but they’ll likely still cost you plenty of regret and inconvenience. Want to avoid feeling the regret of being cheap when you travel? Then avoid these mistakes:

Waiting for the Shuttle to an Off-Airport Rental Car

Klemen K. Misic/Shutterstock

You just survived a long flight and are ready to get to your final destination. Too bad you booked with a shady rental car company that’s located in an industrial area far from the airport. Now, instead of hopping in a car and driving off, you’re trekking to some forgotten corner of a far-off terminal and waiting for a rental car shuttle bus that may or may not come.

Getting up Before Dawn for an Early Flight


Hovering over the “book” button, you think to yourself, “I’m saving $50! I’m so frugal! I get up early for work every day, a 6:00 a.m. flight won’t be that bad!” Until the night before your flight when you’re calculating just how early you have to wake up to be at the airport in time … and realize that you’re going to be spending the first day of your vacation sleep-deprived. Plus, if you have to be up before public transit is running, you may end up spending what you saved on the flight to take a taxi to the airport.

Lying Awake at Night Listening to Your Hostel Roommates Snore


How bad can a 20-bed room in a hostel be? After all, you’ll only be there to sleep, so why bother spending more for a private room? If one of those 20 beds is booked by a loud snorer, a sleep-talker, or someone waking up early for a flight, pretty bad—and will defeat you being in there to sleep, since you won’t get any.

Settling Into the Middle Seat in the Back of the Plane

Julian Schlaen/Shutterstock

After spending too many hundreds of dollars on a bare-bones economy ticket, it can be hard to persuade yourself to give another penny to an airline. You’ll stuff everything into a small carry-on and be willing to board last… but when you settle into the non-reclining middle seat next to the bathroom, you will be cursing your past self for being cheap and not paying the fee to select your seat.

When Your Tiny Rental Car Might Not Make It


The economy rental car option seemed like a fine idea when you were looking at it on the website and trying to cut costs, but when your budget vehicle turns out to be comically toy-sized (especially compared to those semi trucks whizzing past you on the highway), you might start to have some regrets about being cheap. See also: that heart-stopping moment when you wonder if your car is actually going to make it up a hill/down that dirt road or if you’re going to figure out how roadside service works in a foreign destination.

Dragging Your Suitcase on Public Transit


Everyone on this packed train hates me, you’ll realize as you try to squeeze your way on with your suitcase while accidentally whacking a few commuters with your backpack. As you’re dragging your luggage up and down the stairs, through crowds, and off the train or bus, you’ll rue being cheap and not just splurging on a taxi.

Stressing Over Your Flight Connection

David Prado Perucha/Shutterstock

When you’re on the first leg of a plane journey with a tight connection, every minute your plane doesn’t board, or sits on the tarmac without taking off, feels like an eternity—the flight with the 50-minute layover was the cheapest option, but does that cost savings matter if you miss it?

Waiting in Line to Buy a Ticket Instead of Paying the Booking Fee


This ticket site wants how much to book admission in advance? I’ll wait and buy it at the window, you think… until you arrive at the attraction and discover everything is sold out, or that the line is hours long. Is being cheap worth wasting your precious vacation time standing in line? If it’s a Ticketmaster-esque ridiculous fee, it can be a tough decision.

When You Reach Hour Five on the Slow Ferry or Train

Arman Zhenikeyev/Shutterstock

The slow ferry/bus/train won’t be that much worse than the express, you think. Imagine all the scenery I’ll see. That sounds like a great, cost-saving measure until you’re trapped on an excruciatingly slow form of transport, experiencing fatigue and pain from sitting for so long, and thinking of everything you’re missing by not arriving sooner.


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7 Things You Should Never Do on a Plane Mon, 28 Oct 2024 18:46:24 +0000 When flying, the following seven behaviors should be avoided at all costs. Find out what not to do on a plane.

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Flying means spending lots of time packed very closely among strangers—strangers who at 30,000 feet in the sky, have no escape from you. This means any bad behavior on your part can have an immediate and unpleasant effect on your fellow passengers.

Here are seven things you should never do on a plane—or you’ll face fines, getting kicked off the flight, or, at the very least, judgment from other flyers.

Drink Your Own Alcohol

Although it’s perfectly legal to bring your own alcohol aboard a plane (as long as it’s under 3.4 ounces or purchased in the airport after security), it’s actually against the law to consume it. Passengers can only drink alcoholic beverages served to them by flight attendants, who are trained to recognize signs of intoxication and cut off flyers who have had too much to drink. With alcohol-fueled in-flight incidents on the rise, many flight attendants are cracking down on passengers who attempt to serve themselves alcohol onboard. 

Penalties for drinking your own alcohol on a plane can be severe—the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) can and will pursue legal enforcement action against any unruly passengers. Flyers who ignore the rules can be fined up to $37,000 per violation in civil penalties.

Behave Inappropriately to Flight Attendants or Passengers

Woman wearing a face mask receiving a cup of coffee from a flight attendant on a plane
Viacheslav Lakobchuk | Adobe Stock

We hope we don’t have to remind you to behave kindly toward flight attendants and other passengers on your flight, but you should know that if you lose your temper on board, there’s a no-tolerance policy for aggressive or inappropriate behavior on planes.

The FAA has referred 43 unruly passenger cases to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for criminal prosecution review this year alone. “Dangerous passengers put everyone at risk—and the Biden-Harris Administration has been clear that those who disrupt flights will be held accountable,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “Unruly travelers face stiff fines from the FAA and possible criminal prosecution too.”

Wear Something Inappropriate

It may surprise you to learn this, but airlines actually have dress codes, which can usually be found by reading the Conditions of Carriage. For example, American Airlines’ dress code specifies, “Dress appropriately; bare feet or offensive clothing aren’t allowed.”

Plenty of people have learned this the hard way by being kicked off of a plane for wearing clothing that the airline deemed too revealing or otherwise inappropriate.

Introduce Strong Smells Into the Cabin

Those same Conditions of Carriage that define what you shouldn’t wear on a plane also have an important note about odor. American Airlines’ specifies, “Be respectful that your odor isn’t offensive (unless it’s caused by a disability or illness),” and many other airlines have the same clause. 

In addition to making sure that your personal odor isn’t offensive, be respectful when choosing what food to bring on a plane (maybe leave the tuna fish at the gate) and what activities to engage in—now is not the time to paint your nails, and a seatback tray table is not a diaper-changing area. 

Joke About Threats

You might think it’s obvious that you’re joking if you make a sarcastic comment about having a weapon with you, but flight attendants have to take your remarks very seriously. For example, on an Air Canada flight, a passenger was asked about her bag, which did not entirely fit in the overhead bin. The passenger joked, “There’s a bomb in it”, which then triggered a flight delay of over two hours and a closure of the entire terminal while a bomb squad searched the premises. 

Keep any comments about weapons, fights, or anything else offensive to yourself aboard a plane.

Attempt to Vape or Smoke

Surachetsh | Adobe Stock

Smoke from e-cigarettes might seem less noticeable than regular cigarettes, but it can still set off the fire alarms on planes, causing a flight to be diverted out of safety concerns. Or worse, cause an actual fire on the plane, like this malfunctioning e-cigarette did on an American Airlines flight. All forms of smoking, including e-cigarettes, are banned on planes. 

Passengers who attempt to sneak a smoke can face fines of up to $4,000, be removed from the plane, and/or be arrested.

Listen to Your Devices Without Headphones

We’ve all been there—you board a long flight only to discover that your headphones are dead. Unfortunately, that doesn’t give you the right to listen to your music, stream shows, or play video games with the volume on. The other passengers in your row didn’t sign up for your DJ set, so please keep your entertainment to yourself. 

Parents, this also applies to kids’ devices—we know you need to keep them entertained, but a child-size pair of headphones is a necessity in a shared space.

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7 Travel Hacks for Lazy People Mon, 28 Oct 2024 15:47:31 +0000 If you’ve ever gone to bed the night before an early flight and thought to yourself, “I’ll pack in the morning,” this story is for you. Make the boring parts of travel (like packing and organizing) easier by following these travel hacks for lazy people. Don’t Unpack Your Suitcase The things you need only while […]

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If you’ve ever gone to bed the night before an early flight and thought to yourself, “I’ll pack in the morning,” this story is for you. Make the boring parts of travel (like packing and organizing) easier by following these travel hacks for lazy people.

Don’t Unpack Your Suitcase


The things you need only while you’re traveling should stay in your suitcase when you’re at home. I leave my neck pillow, adapter, and other travel-only items in my suitcase at all times—it saves storage space, and I don’t have to rummage around for them when it’s time for my next trip.

As a bonus, this trick means that I have fewer things to unpack when I return home—perfect for those feeling lazy after an awesome adventure.

Get TSA Pre-Check


Who wants to deal with the hassle of taking off shoes and digging out liquids at airport security? Not lazy travelers. If you have TSA Pre-Check you can save time and aggravation by keeping your shoes on and your liquids in your bag.

Be Last On, Last Off the Plane


If you don’t need overhead space, being the last one to board a plane and the last one to get off is an excellent lazy travel hack. You can relax at the gate, charging your phone or sending last-minute emails while everyone else stands in line and elbows each other. When it’s time to get off the plane, you can chill in your seat while other flyers stand in the aisle for twenty minutes trying to deplane. Of course, only attempt this if you’re in a window seat, otherwise, you might be delaying people that really need to get out of the plane.

Save a General Packing List

ultimate packing list

Use our Ultimate Packing List or create a note on your phone next time you’re packing that lists everything you’re bringing. You may have to swap out a swimsuit for a business suit, but the standard essentials (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.) will stay the same, and you can see at a glance what you need to bring.

Use a Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus


You’ll see Hop-On, Hop-Off tour buses in most cities around the world, and they’re a great way to orient yourself in a new destination. Buying a pass might be worth it since you can use them outside of the standard tour when you’re feeling too lazy for public transit or too cheap for a taxi—if you’re heading somewhere near one of the bus stops, hop aboard instead of walking. You’ll save cab fare and your feet.

Book an All-Inclusive Resort


Some may call all-inclusive resorts “lazy,” but others call them “relaxing.” If the idea of laying on a beach and having unlimited food and drinks brought to you sounds more appealing than appalling, then go ahead and book yourself an all-inclusive for your next vacation. You won’t have to worry about researching where you eat, figuring out how to get places, or organizing activities on your own—the resort will do it all for you.

Buy a City Pass


Most major cities offer some type of city pass for visitors, which usually includes museum admissions, public transportation access, and entrance to popular tourist attractions. These passes not only save you money but also time and planning—you won’t have to figure out how to buy tickets on your own or waste time standing in line.

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.

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10 Things You Should Never Say to a Flight Attendant Thu, 17 Oct 2024 17:57:44 +0000 Think twice before you say any of these things on a plane—unless you want your next in-flight drink to be served with a side of spit.

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Air travel can be stressful for everyone involved, but few flyers understand the unique challenges faced by flight attendants who navigate turbulent skies—and personalities—at 35,000 feet. From managing safety protocols to ensuring passenger comfort, these aviation professionals maintain their composure through countless interactions—some more testing than others. 

Smiling pilot with flight attendants standing on airplane board
Yakobchuk Olena | Adobe Stock

Certain phrases and requests have become notorious pain points for flight attendants who fly hundreds of times a year. They’re guaranteed to make any flight attendant mentally roll their eyes, even as they maintain their professional smile. Before you join the ranks of passengers who unknowingly commit this mile-high faux pas, consider the impact of your words on these hardworking crew members. Flight attendants aren’t just service providers; they’re trained safety professionals whose primary responsibility is ensuring your well-being during the flight. The following ten phrases represent a compilation of their most cringe-worthy passenger interactions—those special moments that make them wish they could temporarily disable the call button or, at the very least, serve your drink with an extra helping of disdain.

Can You Watch My Kids?

You’ve paid plenty for your coach ticket, so now it’s time to relax, take a nap, and maybe let your kids run wild. After all, the flight attendants are just sitting at the back of the plane—they will be happy to watch your little darlings, right? Wrong.

“I’ve had passengers get mad at me because we didn’t have a play area on the plane. Another passenger came to the back of the plane and asked me where she could put her baby. She didn’t want to hold it,” flight attendant Heather Poole told Parade Magazine. Flight attendants already have enough to do and can’t take on babysitting duties.

This Drink Is Too Expensive!

Flight attendant serving food and drinks to passengers on board
Svitlana | Adobe Stock

Yes, that in-flight drink is too expensive. But whining to the flight attendant isn’t going to change anything. Do you really think the CEO of a major airline consults with the flight attendants before raising prices on drinks? Trust us, the flight attendant to whom you’re complaining is not making a commission off overpriced gin and tonics. (Starting salaries for flight attendants can be as low as $27,000 per year, and there’s definitely no kickback from expensive drinks factored into that.)

Fetch Me …

We all wish we had a personal butler we could summon with the ring of a bell. However, despite the presence of a call button above every airplane seat, the flight attendant is not that butler. Demanding that the flight attendant “fetch” you something is a sure way to get on a flight attendant’s bad side. 

Use the call button only when it’s really necessary, such as times when you can’t get out of your seat and genuinely need something. If you want a glass of water or a blanket, walk back to the galley and ask for it in person.

Hey, stewardess!

Unhappy looking Asian flight attendant
pitipat | Adobe Stock

The word “stewardess” is about as contemporary as the glamorous coach-class experience of yesteryear. Both are gone forever. “Stewardess” was in vogue when women were the only people hired as flight attendants. 

Nowadays, both men and women work as cabin crew, and the term “flight attendant” reflects not only this but the expanded duties that they are responsible for onboard. 

Wait, What Kind of Drinks Do You Have?

The beverage service doesn’t just magically appear in front of you. The start of the service is usually announced on the PA system, along with a list of the beverages available on board that day. Couldn’t hear the announcement? You can usually find a card in your seatback pocket that lists what you can order. The snacks and drinks on offer are also usually listed in the airline’s app, if you have it downloaded. 

So if you’re craving something out of the ordinary (“Do you have any Diet Mountain Dew on this flight?”) or exotic (“Man, I could go for a can of cran-pineapple-berry-tang juice!”), consult your in-flight card to see if it’s being served. Flight attendants hate having to run down the list of available drinks for every passenger who asks—and they’ll be even more annoyed if you ask what’s on offer after they’ve just told the person sitting next to you what’s available. 

Can You Help Me Lift My Bag?

Flight Attendant helps businessman lift the luggage bag into cabin storage for travel
bank215 | Adobe Stock

Congratulations. You’ve managed to cram everything you own into your carry-on bag. There’s no way you’re gate-checking it now, even if it does weigh 100 pounds. Who cares if you can’t lift it—you’ll just ask one of the flight attendants to heft it into the overhead bin for you. They’re basically baggage handlers that come along for the ride, right? Wrong. 

During flight attendant training, crew members are advised never to lift baggage for passengers because it’s a common cause of injury. Repeatedly hefting heavy suitcases into the overhead bins can cause health issues, and if a flight attendant is hurt loading bags, it could cause a flight delay or cancellation. 

It’s not a flight attendant’s job to help you lift your bag, so make sure you can actually lift and stow whatever you pack. 

I Will Blow Up This Plane If I Don’t Get Bumped to First Class!

Your terrorism jokes aren’t funny. Ever. Instead of laughs, the joke’s on you: That idle threat will get you kicked off the plane and possibly arrested.

I’ll Turn Off My Phone in One More Minute!

Close-up of a woman on a plane using a smartphone
bongkarn | Adobe Stock

Different airlines have different policies about using electronic devices during takeoff and landing. Once you’re on the plane, though, the flight attendant’s word is law. So when you’re asked to turn off your phone or laptop, it means now, people. Holding up your finger to signal one more minute is rude. Stop it.

Can You Throw Away This Bag Of Vomit For Me?

Flight attendants see enough gross stuff already. They don’t need to be tasked with throwing away your used air-sickness bag or your baby’s dirty diaper. Walk to the lavatory and throw it away yourself. (And if you’re throwing away a dirty diaper, that raises another question: Where are you changing that kid? Please don’t do it on the tray table.)

Nothing (In an Exit Row)

Women napping on exit window seat while traveling by airplane
kasto | Adobe Stock

While most passengers appreciate a quiet flight, there’s one crucial moment when your voice needs to be heard: the emergency exit row safety briefing. That seemingly simple “yes” you’re asked to provide in response to the question about being willing and able to perform safety duties in an emergency isn’t just a formality—it’s a legal requirement. Flight attendants must verify that every passenger seated in an exit row can both understand and respond to verbal and visual instructions, as these individuals could play a vital role in an emergency evacuation.

If you remain silent during this safety check, the flight attendant will have no choice but to relocate you to a different seat. This policy isn’t about being difficult; it’s about ensuring the safety of everyone on board. Remember, those extra legroom seats come with extra responsibility, and your verbal confirmation is the first step in accepting that duty.

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What Not to Do When Exiting a Plane During an Emergency Wed, 16 Oct 2024 15:12:35 +0000 When your life is on the line, leave it behind. That’s the takeaway from too many tragic plane emergencies, including the May 2019 explosion of Aeroflot flight 1492 in Moscow, which killed 41 people. In that incident, a lightning strike forced the pilots to make an emergency landing. The plane caught fire but remained intact, […]

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When your life is on the line, leave it behind.

That’s the takeaway from too many tragic plane emergencies, including the May 2019 explosion of Aeroflot flight 1492 in Moscow, which killed 41 people. In that incident, a lightning strike forced the pilots to make an emergency landing. The plane caught fire but remained intact, and passengers were prompted to evacuate.

However, as details about the incident emerged, investigators signaled that more people could have survived if not for one preventable reason. Video shows passengers dragging carry-on bags with them as they flee the burning plane, and reports suggest the evacuation was slowed by people retrieving their belongings from the overhead bins.

Plane doing an emergency landing in the ocean
Michael O'Keene | Adobe Stock

“Reports from people on the plane indicate the evacuation may have been slowed by passengers grabbing their bags. Videos show passengers taking their carry-on bags with them as they exited the plane,” the Association of Flight Attendants said in a statement. “We will never know if more lives could have been saved if the bags were left behind.”

The purpose of posing this question is not to blame the victims of a tragic incident. However, it is a reminder that it’s always worth a refresher on what to do—and what not to do—when you need to evacuate in a plane emergency.

Your Bags Are Never Worth It

The tragic Aeroflot emergency is not the only aviation incident in recent years that has brought in-flight safety to the forefront of travelers’ minds. This year alone saw the collision and evacuation of Japan Airlines flight 516, an easyJet flight filled with smoke on the runway, and a string of safety issues with the Boeing 737 Max aircraft, prompting passengers to pay extra attention to the safety demonstration.

If you find yourself in an evacuation situation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) makes no mistake about it: “If an emergency evacuation is necessary, leave your carry-on items on the plane. Retrieving personal items may impede the safe evacuation of passengers.”

This bears repeating because, as we’ve reported in the past, people seem inclined to do the opposite. During a recent incident in which a laptop caught fire in the cabin of an American Airlines flight, evacuation was stalled by passengers attempting to retrieve their hand luggage against the instruction of the flight attendants. Understandably, the idea of leaving things behind is difficult to accept—losing a laptop, passport, or cash can be an inconvenience. Or perhaps the banality of modern airline travel makes travelers complacent in emergency situations, thinking the danger or urgency is overblown. If that’s the case, though, you’ll likely see your possessions again soon.

It’s also worth nothing that with seat sizes shrinking and plane cabins getting more crowded than ever, it could take longer than you’d think to evacuate. The FAA, in guidelines set forth in 1967, states that commercial aircraft should be able to evacuate completely in 90 seconds. According to an NPR report, it took approximately 5 minutes to complete the evacuation of passengers aboard Japan Airlines flight 516 and 18 minutes for the captain to finally disembark, demonstrating that even a well-executed evacuation can take far longer than the FAA’s standard.

What to Always Do

But as safe as airline travel is, incidents like the Aeroflot fire illustrate the fine line between surviving and perishing in non-crash situations. So, even though you may know the standard onboard safety presentation by heart, here are a few must-do tips for evacuating a plane quickly:

  • Look: Locate the nearest emergency exit when you take your seat so you know which way to go. Count the number rows between you and the nearest exit in case you need to navigate in the dark.
  • Listen: In the event of an emergency, listen to the flight attendants’ instructions and follow them precisely. Remember, they’re trained for this.
  • Leave it behind: Everything in your baggage can be replaced. Your life or well-being, and that of your fellow passengers, cannot.

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11 Travel Clothes That Feel Like Pajamas (But Look First Class) Fri, 04 Oct 2024 15:18:49 +0000 It's the eternal dilemma: You want to wear sweatpants to be comfortable on your long trip, but you also want to look presentable (and avoid judgmental stares) when you arrive. Well, problem solved. Here are 11 soft, packable pieces, from shirts to shoes, that are the answer to your travel wardrobe prayers.

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It’s the eternal dilemma: You want to wear sweatpants to be comfortable on your long trip, but you also want to look presentable (and avoid judgmental stares) at the airport and when you arrive. Problem solved—these 11 carefully curated pieces may feel like pajamas, but they look like first class. 

State Cashmere The Mock-Neck Quarter Zip Polo Sweater


Cashmere is a great choice for long flights. It feels soft and luxurious, and offers plenty of lightweight warmth in chilly cabins. State Cashmere’s Mock-Neck Quarter Zip Polo Sweater looks polished and can be worn off the plane when you need a warmer layer.

Hount Sleeveless Split Maxi Dress


This maxi dress from Hount is simple but elegant, designed with extra stretchy fabric for maximum comfort. It can easily be dressed up after leaving the plane for a night out or a special event. Available in thirty-one colors and patterns, you can find an option that fits the vibes of any trip.

Unbound Merino Lightweight Merino Travel Pants

Unbound Merino

Merino wool is another solid fabric for long travel days. The non-scratchy wool helps regulate your temperature, resists odors, and never wrinkles. Unbound Merino’s Merino Travel Pants are made from a superfine merino wool that’s lighter and silkier than regular wool or cotton. The relaxed fit pants feature a slip-on waist that’s comfortable no matter how long you sit, and the pants thankfully even have functional pockets.

Eddie Bauer Men’s Baja Short-Sleeve Shirt


Made from 100 percent cotton, Eddie Bauer’s Baja Short-Sleeve Shirt is pre-shrunk so you can toss it in the washer and dryer without worry after your flight. The shirt is super breathable, making it a great pick for warm weather trips.

Luxeire Classic Button Up


Need to make a good impression as soon as you land? Luxeire’s Classic Button Up looks like a traditional shirt, but is made from an eco-friendly technical fabric that’s soft and wrinkle-resistant. 

Unlike regular button-downs, this shirt is designed to minimize gaping and stay tucked in for the perfect tailored fit.

Vionic Willa II Slip-On Flat


Don’t be that person who takes their shoes off on a plane—instead, wear Vionic’s Willa II Slip-On Flats and you’ll be as comfortable as if you were wearing slippers. These velvety-soft loafers look elegant, but conceal comfort-focused features like a built-in orthotic, removable plush footbed, and a roomy toe box. 

Athleta Coaster Luxe Jumpsuit


Timelessly stylish and effortlessly cool, a jumpsuit is a staple in any travel wardrobe. Bonus points if its made from a pj-worthy TENCEL blend and cinched with an adjustable drawstring like the Coaster Luxe from Athleta.

State Cashmere Crew-Neck Sweater


Our favorite cashmere for women is made by State Cashmere, which uses ethically-sourced cashmere from Kashmir goats. The crew-neck sweater will keep you warm in-flight, and then can be easily dressed up or down once you’re off the plane. 

Quince Stretch Silk Midi Shirt Dress


This button-down dress from Quince will have you looking and feeling like a million bucks during your next layover. The ultra-soft mulberry silk is blended with a hint of spandex for a stretchy fit. The delicate fabric is even machine washable, making it the ideal silk piece to bring on vacation.

Pair with a matching mulberry silk sleep mask for the best in-flight nap ever.

Madewell Ponte Pull-On Twill Pants


Wide-leg jeans are in style right now, but who wants to fly for hours with a denim waistband digging in uncomfortably? Instead, wear Madewell’s Ponte Wide-Leg Pants, which are made from a stretchy ponte fabric and feature an elastic waistband that’s comfortable even if you’re sitting for hours.

Barefoot Dreams CozyChic Circle Cardi


Packing an extra layer for the plane will never be a waste—an oversized cardigan, like this one by Barefoot Dreams, can double as a blanket or pillow if you’re not wearing it. This cozy sweater features two pockets so you can keep in-flight essentials close by. 

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