34 Analogous Color Scheme Décor Ideas To Get Inspired
Analogous colors are groups of three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, with one being the dominant color, which tends to be a primary or secondary color, and a tertiary. Red, orange, and red-orange are examples. Using such like-minded tones will always create a harmonious look in your rooms, so we strongly recommend to try some ideas if you hesitate about colors and how to combine them. First, choose the main color you like most of all, then two or three neighboring colors to complement the interior and voila! A burst of color is guaranteed!
Blue+Green Or Blue-Green
Blues and greens always look great together, it doesn’t matter what shades you prefer. Like bold colors? Go for teal or turquoise, lime green and emerald, whatever combos of furniture and accessories you choose, they will look fine. Want something moody? Make a navy statement wall and rock emerald upholstery and accessories. If you feel that you need something lighter and calmer, then mix your green and blue shades with creamy ones or crispy whites.
Look at this blue, teal, emerald and green room, it looks absolutely harmonious and bold shades are complement with deepr ones
In this dining room you can see blue and gree-blue mixed with creamy tones for a softer look
shades of green and blue in this living room are complemented with white and beige for a cozy feel
calm-tone blue and green bedroom with a rustic flavor
teal and sage green look gorgeous together and make a statement in this creamy bedroom
turquoise and lime green walls for a whimsy entryway with lots of accessories
lime green and blue accessories make this room more modern and edgy
lime greens and turquoise for a bold and cheerful bedroom with whimsy decor
lime green, turquoise and blue living room with a crispy white chair
a teal statement wall and lime green accessories are a great combo for a vivacious living room
a navy sofa and turquoise accessories create an ambience in a neutral room
vibrant damask wallpaper and bold blue upholstery complemented with whites
blue, emerald and lime green living room with a round carpet and a round coffee table
emerald upholstery and a navy wall for a moody yet bold living room
lime green upholstery, blue and navy pillows and art works
Violet+Blue Or Blue-Violet
Violet and blue are just created to be together, in all their shades! spruce up a neutral room with bold touches or purple and teal and add creamy shades if you think it’s too colorful. Go for a moody space with deep purple walls and rock bold or light blue furniture, turquoise will also look great. If you want a boho space, I think, there’s nothing better than rocking turquoise and some shade of purple with bold patterns and whimsy texture to get a desired look.
teal, greens and purple upholstery look bold and harmonious
a violet and a teal wall, a teal sofa for a colf refined living room
deep purple walls will make the space moody and bright turquoise accessories will enliven it
lavender as a dominant color, teal upholstery and accessories
purple furniture, turquoise walls and a bold Eastern rug combining all these shades
just some blue and purple touches for a neutral space
boho chic room with bold violet and blue, lots of patterns and textures
violet and teal glam living room with a unique chandelier and a crazy artwork
bold turquoise and purple boy's room decor with creamy shades
large boho chic living room with turquoise walls and colorful upholstery
Yellow+Green Or Green-Yellow
Green and yellow create a vivacious and fun combo! Rock sunny yellows and grass greens in your breakfast nook, and you’ll see how your mood raises. A nursery can also profit from such lively colors, so we recommend to try them. emerald walls and neon yellow upholstery will make a trendy statement, and don’t forget to incorporate greenery shade, which is the color of the year.
sage green carper and accessories, yellow upholstery and emerald touches
green upholstery and striped curtains with touches of orange, green and yellow
sunny yellow walls and mint painted cabinets make this kitchen warm and inviting
sunny yellow and green upholstery, light yellow walls for a summer-inspired living room
yellows and greens making up the split complementary color scheme
light yellow and green nursery is a vivacious and welcoming idea
there's nothing better for a cozy breakfast nook than shades of sun and grass
34 emerald walls and the ceiling and a yellow floor create a bold statement
green plush sofa and bold yellow accents in a moody room