Here are some best of modern house designs that we covered on DigsDigs during 2009: Gamma Issa – Modern Casa of Book Lover House Composed by Two Rectangular Prisms on a Sloped Site
Top 5 Wooden House Designs – Best of 2009
Here are some best of wooden house designs that we covered on DigsDigs during 2009: Barrow House – Comfort of Wood Home
Top 10 Contemporary House Designs – Best of 2009
Here are some best of contemporary house designs that we covered on DigsDigs during 2009: Contemporary AC House by Baqueratta Mountain Retreat Made of Heavily Rendered Stone
Top 5 Futuristic House Designs – Best of 2009
Here are some best of unusual house designs that we covered on DigsDigs during 2009: The Most Futuristic House Design In The World
Top 5 Tropical House Designs – Best of 2009
Here are some best of tropical house designs that we covered on DigsDigs during 2009: Dream Tropical House Design in Maui
Top 5 Unusual House Designs – Best of 2009
Here are some best of unusual house designs that we covered on DigsDigs during 2009: Experimental House Design
Best House and Apartment Designs of December 2009
Here are some best house and apartment designs which was covered on DigsDigs during December 2009. If you’ve missed them than don’t hesitate to check them out. Don’t forget to check out best product and furniture designs of December 2009 too. Storefront Remodeled Into Live Work Place With Modern Interior Design Shingle Style Family Vacation...
Best House and Apartment Designs of November 2009
Here are some best house and apartment designs which was covered on DigsDigs during November 2009. If you’ve missed them than don’t hesitate to check them out. House with Enclosed Internal Garden Modern Minimalist House Design
Best House and Apartment Designs of October 2009
Here are some best house and apartment designs which was covered on DigsDigs during October 2009. If you’ve missed them than don’t hesitate to check them out. House on the Hill Linked to the Landscape Small House Design on a River in a Harmony with Natural Surroundings
Best House and Apartment Designs of September 2009
Here are some best house and apartment designs which was covered on DigsDigs during September 2009. If you’ve missed them than don’t hesitate to check them out. House with Two Courtyards and Modern Interior Low Costs And Easy Maintenance House Design