Jamie Ditaranto – SmarterTravel https://www.smartertravel.com The Best Trips Start Here Wed, 05 Feb 2025 20:36:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 The One Thing You Should Never Do With Your Boarding Pass https://www.smartertravel.com/the-one-thing-you-should-never-do-with-your-boarding-pass/ Wed, 05 Feb 2025 20:36:27 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/2015/10/19/the-one-thing-you-should-never-do-with-your-boarding-pass/ Your boarding pass is more important than you think. Here's what not to do with it.

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You’re at the gate. You’ve got your boarding pass. You’re heading somewhere exciting and you just can’t wait until you get there to share the news with your friends on social media. So, you snap a picture of your boarding pass and post it to Facebook. Harmless, right?

Maybe not.

Because the information printed on your boarding pass actually reveals a lot more than you think.

Boarding Pass Don’ts

Your boarding pass shows your full name, ticket number, and booking code. Anyone who has this information could easily get access to your booking, gaining personal information such as your phone number. In 2020, the former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott was hacked after posting a picture of his boarding pass on Instagram. The hacker was able to see Abbott’s passport number, phone number, and even conversations that Abbott had had with airline staff.

Even if you’ve blocked out your name and booking code on your post, hackers can still gain information from a picture of your pass. As explained by KrebsonSecurity, there are websites that can read the barcodes on your boarding pass and provide someone else access to your travel information—your phone number, frequent flyer number, and information not only about the flight in question but also all future flights booked through the same number.

With access to your boarding pass, someone could even change your seat on the plane, cancel any future flights, and reset your account PIN.

This applies to more than just plane travel—a cruise passenger shared her ticket (which included her booking reference number) in a photo on Facebook, and someone used that information to cancel her cruise 48 hours before departure.

You may love your friends, but would you trust everyone you know on Facebook or Instagram with your private travel information? Didn’t think so.

The takeaway here: Don’t post pictures of your boarding pass on social media.

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12 New Year’s Traditions from Around the World https://www.smartertravel.com/12-new-years-traditions-from-around-the-world/ Tue, 26 Nov 2024 18:11:18 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/2015/12/16/12-new-years-traditions-from-around-the-world/ Looking for a new tradition? Be inspired by what other cultures do to celebrate the New Year!

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New Year’s Eve is a big deal all around the world. Families and friends come together to party, count down to the new year, and maybe even get that lucky kiss at midnight. But some cultures have their own unique traditions, from fortune telling to tossing crockery out the window (or at your neighbor’s door!). Here are twelve unique ways that people around the world ring in the new year.

Eating 12 Grapes

Madrid, Spain-December 8, 2014: New-Year's tree and "House of the Post Office" on square "Puerta del Sol" in Madrid
IKGM | Shutterstock

Start the year off on a sweet note by following the Spanish tradition of eating grapes at the stroke of midnight. Known as “The twelve grapes of luck,” revelers must eat one grape for every chime of the clock at twelve on the dot. If you successfully finish all twelve grapes within the minute, you’ll reportedly be rewarded with luck, love, and happiness in the new year.

Make a Wish on Your Suitcase

Hopeful travelers can learn a lot from this tradition that occurs in many Latin American countries, most notably Ecuador, Colombia, and Mexico. Many believe that packing a suitcase with items representing the type of trip you want (like a bikini or hiking boots) and taking it for a walk around the block will bring travel in the coming year.

You might feel a little odd when your neighbors see you taking your suitcase for a walk, but they’ll be totally jealous when you’re on your way to the airport.

Baking a Coin into the Bread

In Greece, New Year’s Eve is celebrated by baking a traditional bread known as Vasilopita that comes with a special surprise: a “sweet coin” baked into the bread (or cake in some cultures). It’s a coin wrapped in tin foil and dropped randomly into the bread; whoever gets the lucky piece will have good luck for the following year. The tradition honors St. Basil, who came up with the idea to bake coins into bread when he knew the poor people of his church would be too proud to accept charity.

Throwing Stuff Out the Window

Heads up! If you plan to spend New Year’s Eve in Italy, you might want to find some cover because Italians like to ring in the new year by chucking dishware, appliances, and sometimes even furniture out the window. But it’s not just a lot of ruckus; the act symbolizes letting go of the past. By hurling unwanted possessions out the window, Italians cast out the old troubles and welcome hope for a new year.

Wearing New Underwear

Young ladies looking the New Year's Eve fireworks in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
hbpro | Shutterstock

If you intend to welcome the new year in Brazil, you’ll have to follow a dress code. Brazilians traditionally wear white on New Year’s Eve, but that’s not all. They also believe you should wear brand-new underwear and that the color of the underwear will represent what you wish to attract in the new year—yellow for money, green for health, and red for love.

Breaking Dishes

This tradition is best celebrated in its native countries, as it involves breaking plates against your neighbors’ doors. In countries like Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands, throwing dishes against other people’s homes is popular as a sign of good luck and camaraderie. In fact, the more pieces of broken glass you have on your doorstep, the more well-liked you are!

Eating Seven Times

New Year’s Eve in Estonia never ends on an empty stomach. In this small Baltic country, they eat seven times to celebrate the new year. Eating so often is a wish for abundance and strength in the coming year, and seven is one of the country’s lucky numbers.

Dropping Ice Cream on the Floor

If your ice cream falls to the floor in Switzerland, there’s no need to be upset. The Swiss purposefully drop their ice cream on the floor on New Year’s Eve to bring on a year of abundance and (hopefully) more ice cream.

Ringing a Bell 108 Times

Temple bell in Japan waiting to be run for the New Year's Eve Joya-no-Kane
M.SAI | Adobe Stock

In Buddhism, it’s believed that there are 108 earthly desires that cause suffering. At the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve in Japan, temple bells will toll 108 times—one for each desire. This ritual is called Joya-no-Kane. It’s all about purification and encouraging a fresh start for the new year.

Everything Is Round

In the Philippines, the new year is celebrated with roundness. Part of the fun of the day is coming up with 12 different round fruits—one for each month of the year. For Filipinos, roundness is a symbol of health and also signifies prosperity and wealth (because coins are also round). Women will often wear polka-dot dresses to add even more roundness to the big day.

Predicting the Future

On New Year’s Eve in Finland, people have a tradition of fortunetelling. They’ll melt small tin horseshoes in a pan and then pour the liquid metal into a bucket of cold water. The tin solidifies instantly when it hits the water, resulting in random shapes. The shapes are then interpreted to predict their future for the coming year.

Hitting the Walls with Bread

Sliced loaf of the fresh traditional Irish soda bread outside with knife aside and visible greenery on the background.
Rrrainbow | Shutterstock

In Ireland, bad luck must be driven out of the house before midnight, and the quickest way to get bad spirits out of the house is apparently with a loaf of Christmas bread. The Irish will smack the walls and bang on the doors with bread to chase out the bad and welcome in the good spirits.

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7 Bad Travel Habits and How to Quit Them https://www.smartertravel.com/bad-travel-habits/ https://www.smartertravel.com/bad-travel-habits/#respond Fri, 25 Oct 2024 18:02:39 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=194318 When you travel a lot, it’s natural to develop habits that work for you. For me, the few days before a trip tend always to follow the same pattern: I review my itinerary, make a mental list of what I want to pack, plan accordingly, and make my bed before I leave the house. Unfortunately, […]

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When you travel a lot, it’s natural to develop habits that work for you. For me, the few days before a trip tend always to follow the same pattern: I review my itinerary, make a mental list of what I want to pack, plan accordingly, and make my bed before I leave the house. Unfortunately, I’ve also developed a few bad travel habits along the way.

Bad Travel Habits and How to Quit Them

One habit that’s proven particularly hard to break is refusing to splurge on cabs when I’ll be out all day. Because I try to walk everywhere to save money, my feet are the ones paying the price at the end of the day.

We’ve all got our bad travel habits, but the good news is that you can break them with a little bit of effort. Whether you’re a workaholic walker like me or a packing procrastinator, here are some ways to break even your most persistent bad behaviors.

Not Learning Basic Vocabulary

If you frequently land in a new country and realize you never learned how to say hello or thank you, you’re probably familiar with how silly it makes you feel. Learning new languages is difficult and might not seem worth it if you’re passing through many different countries or staying for a short amount of time, but knowing the basics can make all the difference when it comes to how comfortable you feel and how well you connect with local people.

Solution: Of course, there are plenty of language apps and tutorials you can use to learn a language, but there’s an easier solution if you don’t think you’ll have time to practice. Instead, make it a point to look up the basic words of the new language at least once before your trip and write them down. Keep them somewhere handy, like saved on a note on your phone, and when you get there, you’ll have them at your fingertips.

Booking at the Last Minute

You can tell yourself that you’re waiting for the prices to drop, but unless you’re very flexible, that can backfire: The longer you wait, the fewer options you’ll have. Whether you’re booking flights, accommodation, or a tour, you’re almost always better off booking well in advance and having everything organized before your trip.

Solution: If you still want to hold out for low rates, set a “book by” date for yourself at least a week or two before you leave for your trip. Consider it a self-imposed deadline and do whatever you need to do to hold yourself accountable. I like to schedule my personal deadlines into my calendar to make them feel more official.

Not Giving Yourself Enough Time to Pack

If you’ve got packing problems, it’s likely you’re a repeat procrastinator. This is one of the most common travel habits, and it can be tough to break when life is busy. If packing lists have no effect on you, there’s one thing you can do that you probably have to do anyway.

Solution: A few days before you leave, do your laundry. Instead of putting your clothes away in your closet, pack the fresh clothes right into your suitcase. Not only will this ensure that the clothes you wear most often are fresh and clean, but it will also help you get a start on planning your outfits before and during your trip. After you put in your first load, pull out your luggage and start researching the essential items for your destination.

Packing More Than You Need

If you’re a chronic overpacker, you’ve probably had your fair share of struggles with the check-in luggage scale and bags that just won’t close. You might think you need to take advantage of your airline’s full luggage allowance, but the truth is you shouldn’t be filling up your luggage just because you can.

Solution: Use a smaller suitcase. Consider how long you’ll be traveling and how many of your outfits can be reused, and then find luggage appropriately sized for the length of your trip. You’d be surprised how little you’ll need.

Not Splurging When You Should

This one varies from traveler to traveler, but everyone has that one thing they hate to spend money on. I’m very stubborn about paying for cabs or public transportation and often choose walking instead. The downside of this is that I’m often too tired to enjoy a night out, or I suffer from aching feet. For others, being too stubborn to spend might mean booking accommodation far from the center of town or missing out on a special food because it’s a little pricey.

Solution: Give yourself a budget to splurge. This small act of premeditation can make a huge difference in your travel experience. Knowing you’ll have a little money set aside to live a little will help you feel more comfortable spending spontaneously. Remember, this should be a set budget totally separate from your emergency fund to remove any guilt you might have.

Not Learning the Exchange Rate Ahead of Time

If this is one of your bad travel habits, you’ve probably wondered repeatedly if you’re paying a fair price whenever you’re confronted with a new currency.

Solution: Keep a currency exchange app on your phone. Take out all the uncertainty at the cash register by keeping a reference ready. What’s great about the apps is that they are constantly updating, which means you’ll always know the most recent rate.

Overbooking Yourself

Ever feel like you need a vacation after your vacation? It’s probably because you’re signing on for too much. When you’ve only got a set number of days somewhere, it’s tempting to try and do it all, but that’s no reason to treat your vacation like one long to-do list.

Solution: Make peace with not being able to see everything. And if you can’t do that, make a list, identify your priorities, and book only those priorities. Leave everything else up to the moment. Trust me: That cooking class probably won’t seem like such a good idea after you’ve actually completed the three-hour walking tour. 

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.

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12 Travel Totes That Do the Most https://www.smartertravel.com/travel-totes-that-do-the-most/ https://www.smartertravel.com/travel-totes-that-do-the-most/#respond Mon, 27 Nov 2023 14:11:24 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=269585 A good tote bag is one of the most versatile tools in a traveler’s packing arsenal. Travel totes can hold all your stuff, fit pretty much anywhere, and come in all shapes and sizes to suit your style. Plus, if you need to push the envelope on how big your personal item can be, there’s […]

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A good tote bag is one of the most versatile tools in a traveler’s packing arsenal. Travel totes can hold all your stuff, fit pretty much anywhere, and come in all shapes and sizes to suit your style. Plus, if you need to push the envelope on how big your personal item can be, there’s no better bag to rock than a travel tote bag. Here are some of my favorite tote bags for travel that will totally come in handy on your next trip.

Away Everywhere Bag

Away Everywhere Bag in grey

The Everywhere Bag from Away is the perfect carry-all for your flight, with a modern silhouette and thoughtful features that keep what you need at hand. This bag is designed to slide over the handle of any suitcase (or slide onto your shoulder) and is made with pebbled leather or durable nylon that can stand up to anything—and look good doing it.

MZ Wallace Metro Quatro Tote

MZ Wallace Metro Quatro Tote
MZ Wallace

Puffy bags like the Metro Quatro Tote are not just for show; they blend function and fashion by offering your items a little extra protection. This travel tote is the best choice for the traveler who isn’t checking a bag and needs to stuff a few more pieces of clothing in their personal item. 

Osprey Arcane Tote Pack

Osprey Arcane Tote Pack in blue

Osprey’s Arcane Tote delivers dual functionality, with both comfortable tote straps and padded, comfortable tuck-away backpack straps for two ways to carry. The top-zip main compartment can be made even more secure with a roll-and-fold closure, and interior organizational pockets (including a padded laptop sleeve, document sleeve, and key-stash pocket) keeps belongings in place. Made from recycled bottles, the tote comes in a range of great colors.

Lo & Sons Catalina Deluxe Weekender Bag

Lo & Sons Catalina Deluxe Weekender Bag in purple
Lo & Sons

If you’re packing as much as possible into your personal item, the Catalina Deluxe Weekender Bag from Lo & Sons will have your back on everything from weekend trips to week-long vacations. Lightweight and super functional, it has a place for your laptop, shoes, and more with plenty of color options to choose from.

Eddie Bauer Bygone Recycled Backpack Tote

Eddie Bauer Bygone Recycled Backpack Tote in black
Eddie Bauer

For another choice when shopping for a convertible travel tote bag, the Eddie Bauer Bygone Recycled Backpack Tote has function (organizational pockets and storable shoulder straps to convert from a tote to a backpack) and style (sleek design and leather handle grips) all in one. It is also made from super durable recycled nylon and features a zippered exterior pocket.

Longchamp Le Pliage Tote

Longchamp Le Pliage Tote in black and tan

Nylon is an incredibly useful material for travel bags, but unless it’s designed thoughtfully, it doesn’t always look great. Longchamp’s Le Pliage Tote is a great example of how to do nylon right. It’s water-resistant and folds flat without wrinkling, so you can rock the signature style of a Longchamp.

CALPAK Luka Expandable Laptop Tote

CALPAK Luka Expandable Laptop Tote in light blue

Add a pop of color to your travel attire with the Luka Laptop Tote, available in eighteen colors. The dedicated sleeve and soft exterior gives your laptop extra protection, while the organizational pockets—including a discreet exterior zipper pocket for valuables—will keep the rest of your gear organized. The bottom expands up to four inches to adapt to the needs of any trip.

Jemma Birdie 43 Tote

Jemma Birdie 43 Tote

 A modern travel tote for the fashionista, the Birdie 43 Tote from Jemma is a beautiful vegan handbag that fits your 13″ laptop, shower essentials, change of clothes, plus anything from boxing gloves to your dance shoes—and maybe even both.  The bottom shoe compartment (holds two pairs of shoes) has a mesh strip for ventilation to ensure your clothes and smelly shoes will be able to air out properly. Also included are a cosmetics case and laundry bag, and there’s a zipper pocket on the back that becomes a trolley sleeve.

Tumi Sidney Business Tote

Tumi Sidney Business Tote in black

Traveling on business? You’ll need a business travel tote you can take straight from the plane into your big meeting. The Sidney Business Tote makes a strong impression with a clean and straight design. Plus, the exterior sleeve lets you easily attach it to the handle of your wheeled luggage. 

Vera Bradley Vera Tote

Vera Bradley Vera Tote in a pink and blue floral pattern
Vera Bradley

Express your personality with the spacious Vera Tote. Available in multiple colors and patterns, this large tote bag is great for travelers who tend to overpack their personal item. Plus, its padded exterior will offer your belongings a little extra protection from bumps and drops.

The Garnet Convertible Tote Bag

The Garnet Convertible Tote Bag in black

For an elegant and expensive-feeling tote, the Garnet Bag is a great option. While technically a shoulder bag, you will not be left wanting for space with its flat-bottom design and internal organizer pockets. The bag also features a magnetic snap closure, giving you the peace of mind that all your valuables are staying put while still allowing easy access. 

S Zone Vintage Leather Tote

S Zone Vintage Leather Tote in tan

If you’re just looking for a straightforward tote bag, the Vintage Leather Tote from S-Zone is a simple and functional option. It has two compartments big enough to hold your devices and other items, is made of sturdy leather, and has lots of pockets for keeping organized.

Dagne Dover Signature Tote

Dagne Dover Signature Tote in black
Dagne Dover

An elegant travel tote available in four basic and two seasonal colors, the Dagne Dover Signature Tote is a functional work bag that can hold a 13-inch laptop and all of your day-to-day accessories at the same time. It’s designed for long days, which means it will be the perfect companion for train ride or as a personal item on a plane.

Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer always looking for her next adventure. Follow her on Instagram @jamieditaranto.

All of the products featured in this story were hand-selected by our travel editors. Some of the links featured in this story are affiliate links, and SmarterTravel may collect a commission (at no cost to you) if you shop through them. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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6 Must-Have Filtered Water Bottles for Travel https://www.smartertravel.com/filtered-water-bottles/ https://www.smartertravel.com/filtered-water-bottles/#respond Thu, 15 Jun 2023 13:00:00 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=281397 With what they’re charging for bottled water at the airport these days, nobody should be traveling without their own water bottle. However, it’s fair to be a bit wary of drinking from the tap, especially when you’re traveling to a place that doesn’t have a great reputation for clean water. This is why filtered water […]

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With what they’re charging for bottled water at the airport these days, nobody should be traveling without their own water bottle. However, it’s fair to be a bit wary of drinking from the tap, especially when you’re traveling to a place that doesn’t have a great reputation for clean water. This is why filtered water bottles make the most sense for travelers.

Filtered water bottles can be a little more expensive than regular reusable bottles and may involve a little more maintenance, but they’re worth it for the peace of mind you’ll have with every sip. Here are some of my favorite water bottles with filters for traveling.


Two views of the LARQ filtered water bottle in navy blue

If you’re the kind of person who would buy a filtered water bottle but never get around to changing the filters, a LARQ could be the bottle for you. Instead of filters, this bottle purifies water using a UV-LED light hidden in the cap. The light is powerful enough to kill germs, and the same kind of light is even used in hospitals to disinfect surfaces. The best part? It’s as easy to charge as your phone, with a universal charging port that will plug into any USB port.

Brita Filter Bottle

Two views of the Brita Filter Bottle in blue

Fans of Brita, rejoice: You can take the 36387 Premium Water Filter Bottle on the road. The 26-ounce bottle is sleek enough to slip easily into car drink holders. The BPA-free hard plastic bottle has a carrying loop and an enclosed straw for ease of use. The chlorine-reducing filter improves the taste of tap water, and the filters are easy to replace.

The Escape

The Escape filtered water bottle in white (left) and The Escape filtered water bottle in black on a bed of pebbles (right)
Epic Water Filters

Glass isn’t necessarily travel-friendly, but at the same time, every drink tastes better when you’re drinking it from a glass. Why else would airlines go the extra mile to use them when serving their first-class customers? If you like glass but are worried about it breaking, check out The Escape, a glass water bottle that is protected by a silicone sleeve and uses a multi-stage filtration process to keep your water clean and tasting good.

GRAYL UltraPress Water Purifier

Two views of the GRAYL UltraPress Water Purifier

If you will be spending time outdoors and might need to drink from a fresh water source, consider the GRAYL UltraPress Water Purifier. With its press-down filter design, this travel water bottle can filter particulates as well as chemicals and waterborne pathogens without leaving an aftertaste.

LifeStraw Go

Two LifeStraw Go filtered water bottles in white and green

LifeStraw is one of the most trusted brands for water filters. Its LifeStraw Go bottle has a heavy-duty filter built-in, making it super easy to filter your water on the go. It is also available with a one- or two-stage filter, so you can choose the one that fits best for the trip you’re planning.

The Outback

The Outback Nalgene filtered water bottle (left) and a breakdown of the features of the bottle's water filter (right)

If you have an affinity for Nalgene water bottles, The Outbacks’ collaboration with the company might be the best choice for you. This is a sturdy water bottle with a filter that will last, and it has a 100% money-back guarantee.

Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer always looking for her next adventure. Find her on Instagram @jamieditaranto.

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Carry-On and Personal Item Size Limits for 32 Major Airlines https://www.smartertravel.com/personal-item-vs-carry-on/ https://www.smartertravel.com/personal-item-vs-carry-on/#respond Mon, 08 May 2023 19:00:00 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=170152 Every frequent traveler has seen passengers rolling their massive carry-ons and lugging equally large bags and backpacks onto the plane as their “personal item.” So exactly how big can your carry-on and personal item be? The general rule about personal item size is that your bag must fit under the seat in front of you, […]

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Every frequent traveler has seen passengers rolling their massive carry-ons and lugging equally large bags and backpacks onto the plane as their “personal item.” So exactly how big can your carry-on and personal item be? The general rule about personal item size is that your bag must fit under the seat in front of you, though some airlines do specify maximum dimensions. Meanwhile, airlines have a wide variety of carry-on size restrictions. Many airlines, especially outside the U.S., also have weight limits for carry-on bags and personal items.

Carry-On vs. Personal Item: What You Need to Know About Baggage Policies

For years, personal items have flown mostly under the radar, but in the new world of basic economy—in which airlines are offering cheaper base fares but charging for carry-ons—more and more people will be traveling with nothing but a personal item.

When you’re traveling on the cheap and trying to pack as much as possible into a very limited amount of space, knowing the rules is vital. Here’s a look at the personal item and carry-on size limits for 10 major U.S. airlines and 22 top international carriers.

A few important notes:

  • The dimensions below reflect length, height, and width, and include wheels and handles.
  • Personal item and carry-on dimensions listed below reflect the size limits for flyers in economy class. (Airlines often have more generous baggage allowances for flyers in first or business class.)
  • If you’re traveling on a codeshare flight, you’ll need to check the baggage restrictions for the airline operating the flight—not necessarily the airline through which you booked.
  • On shorter trips flown on smaller planes, even regulation-size carry-ons may need to be gate-checked. (In such cases, you shouldn’t be charged the normal checked bag fee.)
  • Because carriers can change their rules at any time, it’s a good idea to double-check before each trip.

Alaska Airlines

Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for Alaska Airlines

Alaska Airlines Carry-on Size Limit

On Alaska flights, your carry-on must not exceed 22 x 14 x 9 inches. The following items may be substituted for your carry-on bag even if they’re over the limit: paintings, small musical instruments, art/advertising portfolios, human organs, fishing poles, and “delicate scientific equipment.”

Recommended carry-on: Samsonite Voltage DLX Carry-On Spinner

Alaska Airlines Personal Item Size Limit

Personal items are only defined as a “purse, briefcase, or laptop computer,” and the airline notes that either your carry-on or personal item must fit under the seat in front of you. Jackets, hats, umbrellas, personal pillows, food, child safety seats, strollers, service animals, medications, assistive/medical devices, and a “reasonable amount of reading material” do not count toward your carry-on or personal item allowance.

Recommended personal item: Mancro Laptop Backpack


Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for Allegiant

Allegiant Carry-on Size Limit

On Allegiant, your carry-on may be up to 22 x 14 x 9 inches (and you’ll have to pay for it—anywhere from $15 to $45 at the time of booking, $50 at the counter, or up to $75 at the gate).

Recommended carry-on: Samsonite Theorym 22x14x9 Spinner

Allegiant Personal Item Size Limit

Your personal item on Allegiant is free and may measure up to 16 x 15 x 7 inches. Examples of personal items include purses, briefcases, and small backpacks. In addition, you may bring assistive devices, strollers, a coat, a small umbrella, a diaper bag, and food to eat during the flight.

Recommended personal item: AOTIAN Mini Nylon Backpack

American Airlines

Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for American Airlines

American Airlines Carry-on Size Limit

American limits carry-on bags to 22 x 14 x 9 inches, although soft-sided garment bags up to a total of 51 inches (length + width + height) are also acceptable. Note that musical instruments and pets will count as a carry-on item.

Recommended carry-on: Elevation Plus 22x14x9 Spinner

American Airlines Personal Item Size Limit

Your American Airlines personal item should not exceed 18 x 14 x 8 inches and must be able to fit under the seat in front of you. Potentially larger items that don’t count as personal items include diaper bags, child safety seats, and medical and mobility devices; these may be brought aboard in addition to your carry-on and personal item.

Recommended personal item: Calpak Haven Laptop Tote Bag


Delta Carry-on Size Limit

The maximum carry-on size on Delta is 22 x 14 x 9 inches or a total of 45 inches combined. There’s no carry-on weight limit except at select Asian airports, where the maximum weight ranges from 15 to 22 pounds.

Recommended carry-on: Briggs & Riley International 21″ Carry-On Expandable Spinner

Delta Personal Item Size Limit

Delta does not give size dimensions for personal items, but says they should be approximately the size of a purse, briefcase, laptop bag, or diaper bag. Things that can be brought aboard in addition to your personal item include jackets, umbrellas, food and drinks purchased in the terminal, strollers, child seats, and medical and mobility devices.

Recommended personal item: CAMTOP Weekend Overnight Bag


Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for Frontier

Frontier Carry-on Size Limit

Frontier permits carry-on bags up to 24 x 16 x 10 inches and 35 pounds. You’ll need to pay for your carry-on bag unless you’re an Elite flyer.

Recommended carry-on: AmazonBasics 20″ Hardside Spinner Luggage

Frontier Personal Item Size Limit

Your personal item can be up to 18 x 14 x 8 inches and must fit under the seat in front of you. All flyers can bring a personal item for free. Coats, diaper bags, canes, assistive devices, and foot rugs “for use during prayer” can all be brought aboard as additional free items.

Recommended personal item: Samsonite Silhouette 17 Wheeled Underseater

Hawaiian Airlines

Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian Airlines Carry-on Size Limit

On Hawaiian Airlines, your carry-on may be up to 22 x 14 x 9 inches and 25 pounds.

Recommended carry-on: Briggs & Riley International 21″ Carry-On Expandable Spinner

Hawaiian Airlines Personal Item Size Limit

The airline doesn’t offer specific dimensions, but notes that your personal item should be a “laptop bag, briefcase, purse, or backpack that can fit under the seat in front of you.”

Recommended personal item: Kenneth Cole Reaction Chelsea Quilted Chevron 15″ Laptop Tote


Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for Jetblue

JetBlue Carry-on Size Limit

On JetBlue, your carry-on must not exceed 22 x 14 x 9 inches. The airline does not have a weight limit for carry-on bags.

Recommended carry-on: Samsonite Voltage DLX Carry-On Spinner

JetBlue Personal Item Size Limit

Personal items should not exceed 17 x 13 x 8 inches and must fit under the seat. You can also bring duty-free items (in “a reasonable and limited amount”), a diaper bag, assistive devices, a coat, an umbrella, and/or an infant car seat without eating into your carry-on or personal item allowance.

Recommended personal item: Briggs & Riley Expandable Cabin Bag

Southwest Airlines

Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for Southwest Airlines

Southwest Carry-on Size Limit

Southwest has a more generous carry-on limit than most U.S. airlines, allowing bags up to 24 x 16 x 10 inches. If you’re bringing a pet, its carrier will count as either your carry-on or personal item.

Recommended carry-on: AmazonBasics 20″ Hardside Spinner Luggage

Southwest Personal Item Size Limit

On Southwest, your personal item must be 18.5 x 13.5 x 8.5 inches or less, and fit under the seat in front of you. Assistive/mobility devices, jackets, canes, umbrellas, and food to eat during the flight all count as extras that you can bring in addition to your carry-on and personal item.

Recommended personal item: Ronyes Unisex College Bag

Spirit Airlines

Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for Spirit Airlines

Spirit Airlines Carry-on Size Limit

Spirit has a slightly more generous size limit for its carry-ons than most other U.S. airlines, with a maximum of 22 x 18 x 10 inches. The catch, though, is that you’ll have to pay extra to bring anything beyond a personal item.

Recommended carry-on: eBags TLS Mother Lode Mini 21″ Wheeled Carry-on Duffel

Spirit Airlines Personal Item Size Limit

Personal items can be up to 18 x 14 x 8 inches, large enough to include a sizable purse or smaller backpack.

Recommended personal item: Lululemon Commuter Multi-Wear Backpack

United Airlines

Graphic showing rulers measuring two piece of luggage side by side, listing the personal item and carry-on maximum dimensions for United Airlines

United Airlines Carry-on Size Limit

On United, the maximum carry-on size is 22 x 14 x 9 inches. Note, however, that if you’re traveling in basic economy, you may only bring a personal item. (There are a few exceptions: those traveling on transatlantic flights, and Premier members or primary card members using qualifying MileagePlus credit cards.)

Recommended carry-on:

United Airlines Personal Item Size Limit

United personal items must fit under the seat in front of you and may not be larger than 17 x 10 x 9 inches. Items such as jackets, umbrellas, diaper bags, food purchased in the airport, assistive devices, child safety seats, cameras, and reading material may be brought aboard in addition to your carry-on and personal item.

Recommended personal item: Herschel Nova Backpack

Carry-on and Personal Item Size Limits on International Airlines

The chart below features the maximum sizes for carry-on bags and personal items on 22 major international airlines. Note that baggage restrictions may vary depending on your specific route. Some measurements are approximate, having been converted from centimeters into inches or from kilograms into pounds.

Airline Carry-On Size Limit Personal Item Size Limit
Aer Lingus 21.5 x 15.5 x 9.5 inches; 22 pounds 13 x 10 x 8 inches
Aeroflot 21.5 x 15.75 x 10 inches; 22 pounds 31.5 inches total (length + height + width); 11 pounds
Air Canada 21.5 x 15.5 x 9 inches; no weight limit 17 x 13 x 6 inches; no weight limit
Air China 22 x 16 x 8 inches; 11 pounds Not specified
Air France 21.7 x 13.8 x 9.9 inches; 26 pounds total for carry-on plus personal item 16 x 12 x 6 inches
Air New Zealand 46.5 inches total (length + height + width); 15 pounds Not specified
British Airways 22 x 18 x 10 inches; 51 pounds 16 x 12 x 6 inches; 51 pounds
Cathay Pacific 22 x 14 x 9 inches; 15 pounds 16 x 12 x 6 inches
China Eastern 22 x 17.7 x 9.8 inches, but total must be no more than 45 inches; 17.5 pounds Not specified
China Southern 45 inches total (length + height + width); 17.5 pounds Not specified
easyJet 17.7 x 14 x 7.8 inches; 33 pounds Not specified
Emirates 21.7 x 15 x 7.9 inches; 15.4 pounds Not specified
Ethiopian Airlines 21.7 x 14 x 9 inches; 15 pounds Dimensions not specified; 11 pounds
Etihad Airways 22 x 15.75 x 10 inches; 15 pounds Dimensions not specified; 11 pounds
KLM 21.5 x 13.8 x 9.8 inches; 26 pounds total for carry-on plus personal item 16 x 12 x 6 inches
Lufthansa 21.7 x 15.75 x 9 inches; 17 pounds 15.75 x 11.8 x 4 inches
Norwegian 21.7 x 15.75 x 9 inches; 22 pounds total for carry-on plus personal item (LowFare+ only) 11.8 x 7.9 x 15 inches; 22 pounds (LowFare)
Qantas 22 x 14 x 9 inches; 15 pounds Not specified
Ryanair 21.7 x 15.75 x 7.9 inches; 22 pounds (Priority only) 15.75 x 10 x 7.9 inches (Non-priority)
Singapore Airlines 45 inches total (length + height + width); 15 pounds 15.75 x 11.8 x 4 inches
Turkish Airlines 22 x 15.75 x 9 inches; 17.6 pounds Not specified
WestJet 21 x 15 x 9 inches; no weight limit 16 x 13 x 6 inches; no weight limit

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Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer who is always looking for her next adventure. Follow her on Twitter @jamieditaranto.

Editor’s note: Sarah Schlichter contributed to this story. This story was originally published in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.

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9 Secret Villages in Ireland https://www.smartertravel.com/secret-villages-in-ireland/ https://www.smartertravel.com/secret-villages-in-ireland/#respond Mon, 15 Mar 2021 13:00:20 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=285565 If you’d like to go beyond Dublin on your trip to the Emerald Isle, set your course for these secret villages in Ireland. From the steep cliffs of the west coast to the lush hills and historic ruins of the countryside, Ireland is worth exploring. In these small Irish towns you’ll find cozy abodes, peaceful […]

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If you’d like to go beyond Dublin on your trip to the Emerald Isle, set your course for these secret villages in Ireland. From the steep cliffs of the west coast to the lush hills and historic ruins of the countryside, Ireland is worth exploring. In these small Irish towns you’ll find cozy abodes, peaceful walking trails, and deep history.

Editor’s note: Save these ideas for when it’s safe to travel again, and always follow all COVID-19 restrictions, rules and safety regulations both at your destination and upon returning home.


Shutterstock/Adam Bialek

Just thirty minutes north of Dublin in the Boyne Valley, Slane is an Irish village recognized for its Georgian architecture, prehistoric sites, and a 300-year old castle known for its high-profile concert and whiskey-making operation. Slane Castle is a sustainable distillery that employs locals, and heat from the active distilling process heats the historic castle. Its lawn has also played host to rock performances by the likes of U2, the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, and Metallica. Although the castle is the town’s biggest attraction, you can also visit nearby ruins or stroll down main street to a local pub like the popular Boyles of Slane.

Where to stay: For a unique experience, go glamping on the castle grounds with Rock Farm Slane 

Check Prices for Rock Farm Slane in Slane

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Shutterstock/Domenic Redl

Near the scenic Wicklow Mountains and among the ruins of Ireland’s Ancient East, Wicklow is a small village with plenty to see and do, like taking ghost tours at an 18th-century prison or hiking to the legendary Mottee Stone. While you’re in town, you can stop for a healthy meal at the Vital Health Café or make a pit-stop in the nearby town of Delgany to try an award-winning pastry at Firehouse Bakery.

Where to stay: Keep things cozy at a bed and breakfast like the Wicklow Way Lodge.

Check Prices for Wicklow Way Lodge in Roundwood

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Shutterstock/Andrei Nekrassov

In the county of Cork, Kinsale is a fishing village with a lot of character. Its history dates to the twelfth century, but the food in Kinsale has always been ahead of the times. Whether you go upscale at a place like Finn’s Table or indulge in seafood at Fishy Fishy, you’ll eat well in this brightly-colored town. While visiting, you could also brush up on your maritime history at the Old Lusitania Museum or pay a visit to Desmond Castle, which doubles as a wine museum. If you’re hankering for beer, stop by Blacks Brewery for a tour and a pint.

Where to stay: The Trident Hotel offers modern accommodation with gorgeous views of the River Bandon.

Check Prices for Trident Hotel Kinsale in Kinsale

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If you’ll be driving the Ring of Kerry, don’t pass over the adorable village of Dingle.  It’s most famous for great surfing conditions and as the bizarre home of an out-of-place bottlenose dolphin named Fungie, and you’ll have plenty of fun meandering through the town center. You can also visit nearby attractions like the ancient Gallarus Oratory or grab your boots for a hike up to the viewpoint on Mount Brandon.

Where to stay: Just a walk down the road from the main town, Pax House offers guests a beautiful space to unwind on a visit to Dingle.

Check Prices for Pax Guest House in Dingle

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Shutterstock/Frank Bach

On the rugged western coast of Ireland, there’s plenty of culture to be found in this secret Irish village beyond its iconic Westport House. With nearby attractions like the slopes at Croagh Patrick, Rockfleet Castle, the National Museum of Ireland, and Killary Fjord, there’s plenty to do throughout Westport. Considered among the Irish to be one of the best places to live, it’s a three-time winner of the Irish Tidy Towns Competition.

Where to stay: At the family-owned Hotel Westport you can stay in comfort and style on seven acres of private woodland.

Check Prices for Hotel Westport in Westport

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Shutterstock/Philips Photos

Another secret Irish village on the Wild Atlantic Way, Bantry is a lively harbor town packed with history. Best known for being surrounded by rolling hills and stunning vistas, the village of Bantry puts on annual Walking Festival; a weekend of organized hikes worth checking out if you’re traveling to Ireland in the spring. In addition to the beautiful surroundings, visit the historic Bantry House, shop at the farmer’s market, or take a boat out to Garnish Island to explore its all-encompassing gardens.

Where to stay: A modern hotel on a large property complete with landscaped gardens, a duck pond, waterfalls, and nature trails, the Westlodge Hotel is a relaxing retreat.

Check Prices for Westlodge Hotel in Bantry

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Shutterstock/Andrzej Bartyzel

Smack-dab in the middle of Ireland, Birr is a unique Irish town famous for Birr Castle, Georgian architecture, and the Leviathan of Parsonstown—which at one time was the largest telescope in the world. In addition to visiting these nearby attractions, you can also use a trip to Birr to take a foraging workshop or pay a visit to the unique Lough Boora Discovery Park, a sprawling bog that is part nature reserve and part sculpture gallery.

Where to stay: For great hospitality and comfort in Birr, book a bed and breakfast like the Emmet House in the center of town.

Check Prices for Emmet House Bed & Breakfast in Birr

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With major historical chops like being the site of the first transatlantic radio transmission and the landing site of the first transatlantic flight, Clifden has a lot to boast about. Here you’ll find many Irish traditions are still alive thanks to the region of Connemara’s historical isolation from the rest of the country. Tack on cultural sites like Kylemore Abbey and the Marconi Radio station, or just enjoy the town and take a walk up to Monument Hill for a picturesque view.

Where to stay: Built in the style of a traditional railway building, the Station House Hotel is unique and close to town.

Check Prices for The Station House Hotel in Kilmessan

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Shutterstock/Milosz Maslanka

If you’re venturing westward in Ireland you’ll probably be drawn towards Donegal County’s dramatic coast, but no visit would be complete without a visit to Donegal Town. In this small Irish village, you’ll find the remains of 15th-century Abbey and Donegal Castle right in the town’s center. Located on the River Eske, Donegal has been occupied by humans since prehistoric times and there are many unique sites to visit nearby, like ringforts that date back to the bronze age.

Where to stay: Embrace history and spend the night in a castle at the Lough Eske Castle.

Check Prices for Lough Eske Castle in Donegal Town

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Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer always looking for her next adventure. Follow her on Twitter @jamieditaranto. 

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2019. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.

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8 Modern Travel Backpacks That Will Update the Way You Travel https://www.smartertravel.com/modern-travel-backpacks/ https://www.smartertravel.com/modern-travel-backpacks/#respond Fri, 12 Feb 2021 13:05:27 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=237831 Having a good backpack for your travels is vital—whether you’re rocking the stylish underseat laptop carrier on your way to a business conference or swaggering through a European train station with a monstrous 60-liter pack holding all your worldly possessions. Travelers in search of a good travel backpack need something that will keep them organized […]

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Having a good backpack for your travels is vital—whether you’re rocking the stylish underseat laptop carrier on your way to a business conference or swaggering through a European train station with a monstrous 60-liter pack holding all your worldly possessions. Travelers in search of a good travel backpack need something that will keep them organized and can stand up to the most rigorous of travel days. Most importantly, they need a backpack that will keep up with the times.

Modern Travel Backpacks for an Updated Life

As technology advances, so do backpacks. With more space for our gear and new ways to organize our arsenal of devices, chargers, and must-have accessories, the following new and modern travel backpacks will update the way you travel.

Osprey Ozone Duplex 65L Backpack

This two-in-one backpack was made for the traveler on the move. The Osprey Ozone Duplex 65L is a large and spacious backpack that splits into two bags—one daypack, equipped with plenty of organizational pockets and room to carry a 15-inch laptop and a long weekend’s worth of clothing; and a detachable “cargo bag” that adds a lot more space and comes fitted with compression straps to pack it all in. While transforming backpacks aren’t a new invention, I love how extra comfortable and small this carry-on size bag feels, and how there are pockets hidden in all corners of the bag.

Tortuga Setout Divide Backpack

Just because you don’t need a huge backpack for your short trip doesn’t mean that you should forgo a backpack that will keep your organized. The Setout Divide Backpack from Tortuga is a fashionable choice for the digital nomad. With a slim and easy-to-reach pocket for your laptop and other gear, plus a luggage compartment that expands from 26 to 34 liters, this backpack can hold as much or as little as you’d like.

Korin Design Clickpack Pro

Living up to its modern look, the Clickpack Pro from Korin is intelligently designed, with multiple internal pockets that can be removed and reconfigured to best fit your needs. With anti-theft and weight reduction systems, you can wear this backpack comfortably and feel secure with the TSA-approved zipper-lock, retractable wire-lock, and slash-proof fabric. The Clickpack Pro opens up all the way to lay flat, making it easy to grab and find items. It also features a built-in USB wire to more easily charge your devices. Note: this backpack does not include a lithium battery, just the charging cord.

Roll-up Suit & Garment Backpack

If you’re traveling for a business meeting, you probably don’t want to squish your suit or other easy-to-wrinkle garments in a compression backpack. To keep things professional and wrinkle-free, check out the Roll-up Suit & Garment Backpack. It may seem like a one-trick-pony compared to the other do-it-all backpacks on this list, but this specialty travel backpack does its job well, and ensures that your special-occasion clothing arrives at your destination wrinkle-free.

CLUCI Backpack Tote

If you love backpacks but haven’t found the right one to suit your style, take a look at the CLUCI Backpack Tote. This chic leather handbag transforms into a backpack and is spacious enough to hold your day-to-day accessories. The tablet sleeve can accommodate any tablet or small laptop, and the included straps transform this travel backpack into a satchel or tote. Available in a slew of colors, the CLUCI will go nicely with any travel outfit.

Nomatic Travel Pack

Nomatic’s Travel Pack is a sleek-looking travel backpack that starts at 20 liters and can be expanded to 30 liters. With plenty of hidden pockets and a strap system that lets you transform the bag into a briefcase, this minimalist bag maximizes functionality. It also has practical bonus features like a removable sunglass shell and magnetic water bottle pockets to keep your water bottle from falling out.

The Backpack from Away

You’ve probably seen Away’s sleek carry-ons rolling through the airport before, but new from Away is The Backpack, a simple and chic travel backpack. It’s small, but with three easy-to-access compartments, this backpack makes the most of its size. As a personal item, this bag packs a punch.

Expandable Knack Pack

The Expandable Knack Pack is perfect for commuting and errands. Ready to travel? Expand the hidden suitcase compartment and pack what you need for a long weekend.

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Some review products are sent to us free of charge and with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions, positive and negative, and will never accept compensation to review a product.

Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer always looking for her next adventure. Follow her on Twitter @jamieditaranto.

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8 Wireless Headphones For Every Travel Budget https://www.smartertravel.com/wireless-headphones/ https://www.smartertravel.com/wireless-headphones/#respond Sat, 05 Dec 2020 09:19:00 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=233075 On the newest smartphones and other electronic devices, headphone jacks seem to be an endangered species. As more and more companies ditch the jack in favor of Bluetooth connection, it’s time to get with the program. If you’re wary of change, know that a pair of wireless headphones will simplify the way you travel: As […]

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On the newest smartphones and other electronic devices, headphone jacks seem to be an endangered species. As more and more companies ditch the jack in favor of Bluetooth connection, it’s time to get with the program. If you’re wary of change, know that a pair of wireless headphones will simplify the way you travel: As you walk through the airport, along the beach, or on the trail, you’ll fall in love with the freedom of not having a cord tie you to your devices.

Wireless headphones come in all different models and price points. Here are some of the best options for every travel budget.

SoundPEATS True Wireless Earbuds

If you prefer the subtlety of earbuds but worry about wireless earbuds getting easily lost, check out the SoundPEATS True Wireless Earbuds. Each pair of earbuds comes with its own charging case that can charge the earbuds up to 10 times before the case needs to be recharged. The earbuds come with different sized ear tips to fit a variety of ears comfortably.

Price and where to buy it: $32.99 on Amazon

Marshall Major III

If you want to connect to your music in style, Marshall, the iconic amp-maker touted by all your favorite rock stars, also makes wireless headphones. The recently released Marshall Major III headphones are extremely comfortable and convenient for travel since they include a cord to transform them back into a regular non-wireless pair of headphones. This is extremely handy should you find yourself on a long-haul flight unable to connect wirelessly to the in-flight entertainment system.

Price and where to buy it: $136 on Amazon

Wireless Headphone Hat

If you like the idea of wireless headphones but don’t really like the way they feel or look, check out the Wireless Headphone Hat. This beanie doubles as a pair of Bluetooth headphones that can sync to your phone, so you can stay cozy without missing your tunes.

Price and where to buy it: $59 on the Grommet

Yevo Air

These wireless earbuds from Yevo are extremely comfortable and secure, which makes them great for working out or on your more rigorous travel days. The carrying  and charging case is also very portable and these earbuds are equipped with HD premium sound, so you won’t miss out on quality.

Price and where to buy it: $129 on the Yevo Labs Website 

JLab JBuddies

For a more affordable pair of wireless headphones that still deliver sound quality and long battery life, check out the JLab JBuddies, which have 13 hours of battery life and fold up for portability. Sized to fit kids, but great for smaller adults as well, these wireless headphones feature a memory-foam cushion, which provides comfort on a long flight.

Price and where to buy it: $30 at JLab Audio


If you like the idea of wireless, but really worry about dropping your wireless headphones and losing them, check out these wireless, but not 100-percent-cordless pair of earbuds like Jaybirds. Connected by a wire, you can enjoy a wireless workout without the anxiety of losing an earbud.

Price and where to buy it:  $65 on Amazon

RunPhone Wireless

If you don’t think a pair of wireless headphones or earbuds can make it through your workout, the RunPhone Wireless will give you the confidence that your headphones aren’t going anywhere. Though it looks like a regular sweat-band, there are hidden speakers that let you listen to music wirelessly.

Price and where to buy it: $100 on the Grommet

Sony 1000XM2 Noise-Canceling Headphones

If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line pair of wireless headphones to get you through a long-haul flight, try the 1000XM2 Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones from Sony. With high-resolution audio quality, 30 hours of battery life, and a noise-canceling profile made just for the in-flight experience, these wireless headphones are worth the high price if you crave a quiet flight.

Price and where to buy it: $298 on Amazon

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Some review products are sent to us free of charge and with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions, positive and negative, and will never accept compensation to review a product.

Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer always looking for her next adventure. Follow her on Twitter @jamieditaranto.

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7 Great Water Bottles for Travel https://www.smartertravel.com/7-great-water-bottles-travel/ https://www.smartertravel.com/7-great-water-bottles-travel/#respond Wed, 18 Mar 2020 18:35:34 +0000 https://www.www.smartertravel.com/?p=123499 Whether you’re going through security, hiking up a mountain, or exploring a new city, there’s one essential item you should take everywhere: a good water bottle. Anyone who has ever paid too much for bottled water at the airport knows how convenient and cheap it is to bring your own water bottle and fill it […]

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Whether you’re going through security, hiking up a mountain, or exploring a new city, there’s one essential item you should take everywhere: a good water bottle. Anyone who has ever paid too much for bottled water at the airport knows how convenient and cheap it is to bring your own water bottle and fill it up after passing security. But not all water bottles are created equal. Some leak, others are too bulky, and some are just plain ugly. Below are some of the best water bottles to keep you happy and hydrated on your travels.

Kor Nava

The Kor Nava is a stylish bottle that filters water through a built-in straw and replaceable filter. With a sleek design and a comfortable handle that makes it easy to carry, this water bottle is great for walking around a big city or waiting it out at the airport. The click-open cap ensures that the bottle won’t leak in your bag and protects the straw from outside contaminants.

Vapur Element Anti-Bottle

If you’re tight on space, the Element Anti-Bottle from Vapur is a convenient solution. When empty, it’s totally flat and easy to roll up into a very small package. And because it’s so flexible, it’s easy to pack even when it’s full of water. The spout is covered by a cap that will keep your water free from dirt. Despite its appearance, the bottle is extremely durable, dishwasher-friendly, and BPA-free.

LARQ Bottle


If you’re worried about the drinking water in your destination, you can save money on bottled water with the self-cleaning LARQ Bottle. LARQ uses UV-C LED technology to sanitize water as you go, killing bacteria with a powerful ultraviolet light. Simply fill up the bottle, press the button on the cap, and give it a shake. At $95, the LARQ is on the pricier side for a water bottle, but having safe water to drink is worth the investment for frequent travelers.



S’well makes fashionable bottles that promise to keep your cold drinks cold for up to 24 hours and hot drinks hot for up to 12. The bottles come in a multitude of designs, perfect for every personality, and though they’re on the pricier side, some of the proceeds go to charity.

CamelBak Chute Mag Water Bottle

The Chute Mag Water Bottle comes in a wide variety of colors and sizes, and has a magnetic cap that prevents leaks when you’re not using the bottle. The plastic is lightweight, durable, and BPA-free.

Klean Kanteen

If you’re going to be spending time outdoors, this metal canteen is durable enough to survive the most rugged adventures. Its slim design will fit easily into your backpack, and insulated siding helps keep drinks cold or hot. Made of steel, this is a tough bottle that’s sure to last.

ValourGo Collapsible Bottle

This collapsible water bottle is made of a durable silicone material, which makes it leak-proof but also very flexible. For easy storage, roll it up and secure with the rubber strap. The sleek bottle also comes at a fair price.

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Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer who is always looking for her next adventure. Follow her on Twitter @jamieditaranto.

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2016. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.

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